
Pokemon Timelines+Visual Companion 5th Ed., PT. II

  book notes continued from Pt. I : "Cousins, identical cousins" Excellent Patty Duke reference! And some other good song refs I'm noticing (just queued up a couple on Spotify while flipping back through the Kalos chapter...) Into the Woods! ^o^ Sableye, Charizard, Aggron, very possible Houndoom and Altaria, Alakazam...oh, just imagining some fave-character mega-evolution (not that they couldn't catch some of the other species capable of it...*cough Manectric cough*) Come to think of it, Gallade is weird because Kirlia is one of those species so feminine-looking, I can't imagine there being male ones unless it had sexual dimorphism. Strange when feminine mons evolve from masculine-looking ones or vice versa (e.g. the Popplio and Sobble lines.) "Together ever since"--well not really, just in Unova and the revengers reunion episode. "This is the boss, and I'm sick of waiting. I WANT PIKACHU! And this time, don't screw it up!" "[Giova...

Pokemon Timelines+Visual Companion 5th Ed., PT. I

    I Christmas-gifted myself these two items off the official Pokemon gift guide. Timelines is clearly meant to be the 5th-Edition Visual Companion's companion. In a great many cases, what's notably missing from one is included in the other. In conjunction they do provide a comprehensive overview of the series. Neither attempts to tackle it episode-by-episode, which would essentially be like trying to print a massively condensed version of the Bulbapedia guide onto paper. And painstakingly correcting any errors *therein*, hopefully. But they handle it in what I suppose is the optimal manner--organizing all the important people, information, and most significant events region by region. Errors of the grammatical variety (spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, and such) abound, in the VC especially. Its Kalos chapter was particularly egregious, with mistakes in seemingly every other sentence. There's much inconsistency, with some sections considerably better-written than other...

pokepost #5 here...

 Favorite characters by hair color...because I keep seeing these twats on Twixter...;b 1.    Jessie (will always be a redhead in my book even though it for some reason shifted to a more pinkish magenta) 2.    Shelly 3.    Flint 4.    Lorelei (pure red)/Prima (purplish) 5.    Mela 6.    Chili 7.    Stefan 8.    Lance 9.    Merilyn 10.    Ariana 11.    Mars 12.    Maxie 13.    Xerosic 14.    Flannery 15.    Skyla 16.    Alder (partly) 17.    Sonia kinda… 18.    Cissy? (& funnily enough Danny, Rudy, Luana...lotta auburns that might count as redheads irl but look brunette-ish in a world where hair can naturally be any color...Gary, Kenny...) Okay there go redheads, now for gingers. 1.    Misty 2. ...

best pokemon characters 'n' ships

pokepost #4 here...    omfg #1 | omfg #2 *TOP BEST/MOST IMPORTANT: CASSIDY+BUTCH *ANTAG: SHELLY, JJM, Giovanni, Namba, Zager, BGGG, Plumeria & Guzma!, Rapp/Tupp/Zipp, Colress, Malamar, & loads of the "evil"-team leaders/members *L33T 4s: Lorelei, Karen, Glacia, Malva; Flint (Bertha, Lucian, Aaron), Larry, Hassel, etc . *LEADERS: Gio!, Cissy (et. al.), Cress, Roxie, Clair, Clair, Blaine, Surge, Koga, Pryce, Wattson, Wulfric, Clay, Piers, etc . volkner & falkner lol. the protag ones. (+larry, brassius, tulip, kofu, katy...) *CHAMP: Cynthia, Alder, etc . *BRAINS/SUBWAY: Ingo/Emmett *RELATIVES: Cress, Chili, Lusamine, Mohn, VLD *SUPPORTING: Faba+Wicke, Nanu, Jervis, Hobbes, Malva, Anella *RIVAL: Paul, Trip, Gladion, Conway, Stefan, Ursula, Georgia, Barry, Gary, Drew, Nando, Kenny *PROFS Ivy, Rowan, Elm, Magnolia/Sonia, Oak, etc. *PROTAG: Misty, Brock, Tracey, Cilan, Clemont, Bonnie, Lillie, Lana, Scrotom (Sophocles, Kiawe, Mallow) *MISC: mina, mela w/ less hilarious ...