GoT S8 Commentary commentary:

-Yikes. They couldn't interest too many of the most-wanted actors in doing these for this season, eh? Surprise, surprise? 8-/
-Best tidbit out of any of 'em:
Liam: "That's the thing about koalas, they all have chlamydia." Director: "...ACTION!" Everybody: "O_O"
-The most interesting episode ("The Long Night") got a full THREE commentaries, yet they ALL managed to be impossibly boring. Detached, technical, impersonal, unimpassioned. One actor. Few if any intriguing set stories or insights or whatnot. Ffs. They had so little to say on the third, you might as well have been watching the episode at regular volume. The "Winterfell" one was fine, and the second half of the season (ewwwwwwww) increased the actor participation...didn't help though. "The Starks are closed-minded"--yer damn right, Jacob. And yes, Cersei was your Mad Queen. -_- Trying to force that mantle on Dany was some sorta epic trash.
-"Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" wasn't too bad, but ugh...dude, you did the best ep of the season, just be happy with it. Lose the horseshit about Dany's trajectory being laid since S4, or Sansa's snide bitchiness being justifiable or in-character (she should've understood that courtesy was one of her best weapons), or the excessive Long Night plot armor not being a cheat... Come the fuck on. A number of those fireside chatters could've perished in the Great War without the rest of the story being significantly impacted. It was no longer about long-form storytelling requiring the long-term presence of certain characters. Realistically Sam and probably at least one of the chatters should've died. Their endings were fine, even undeservedly *happy*, but they didn't all need to be there on the council. Gives such a false image of how easy it is to survive the GoT! Dx It's as if they wanted a happy ending for almost everybody but Dany, who was among the most deserving of one, and vilified for the most absurd reasons. Tyrion's appalling "first she came for the slavers" speech is vomit-inducing.
-Still happy with Melisandre's treatment, thank Bob. They did right by her EXCEPT that there should've been more. A direct fight between her & the Night King would have made so much fucking sense and been so insanely perfect. Her death is the only moment of the season that can move me to tears, but it should have occurred at the end of episode 4 or 5 instead. 3 should have been only the beginning of the Great War. Ahh, question in my mind as to the identity of Azor Ahai, the Princess Who Was Promised. Wanted a moment of everybody acknowledging that, but girl, you will be forever remembered individually for your unparalleled, unwavering devotion to the salvation of mankind. Which turned out not to be worth saving in the end, but good on ya all the more for having faith and going through all that shit just to give those cunts a second chance. That they blew. Lord of Light, leave them all in the hell of their own making.
-TLN was often made as dark and murky/inky as possible to help generate tension that turned out to have been barely worth it... Dx
-No, Conleth, no. Quit acting like a pathetic kissass and tryna get back in D&D's good graces. Embrace the tea-spillage. Nobody said "Fuck this shit, I'm not watching anymore" when Ned Stark was killed--au contraire. And nobody required that Varys survive the series. The deliberately disingenuous bullshit is infuriating.
-"oh look the horrors of war"--yeah no, not really, Dany won the war beautifully in her usual style. Then she was character-assassinated, apparently taking out her rage over Missandei and Rhaegal on those who had nothing to do with their deaths. So not her. And the whole time she KNEW they were vulnerable, as was anybody willingly fighting alongside her; if there was a condition of "They can't be killed or I will absolutely fucking lose it and throw away my entire storyline," she should've been keeping them super-sheltered and protected all along.

-Yes, Liam, S1-7 Arya is an exceptional role model. A serial killer of serial killers, slaying those whose deaths improved their world. She did very little wrong until the final season. What issue could you possibly take with holding her up as a role model outside her simply being a killer (like most characters?) And Randyll Tarly never "did the right thing," so choosing his death scene to remark that "standing up to people, doing the right thing will get you burned to death" is weird to say the least. I mean, generally there's some truth to that, but it doesn't apply to that particular scene.
I love the guy, and he's hilarious, but his takes can be truly bizarre--as if he's just trying to stir shit.
-Nope, total despising for Cersei and Littlefinger. No sympathy.*
-How tf would it be "unsettling" to watch Jon go full beast mode on Ramsay--i.e., what any sane person given the opportunity would do?!?!?!? I think the word we're searching for here is "satisfying," or "delightful," or......
-Why are so many of them afraid of horses...😅
-They’re all dog idiots and don’t know Ramsay’s dogs are Cane Corso, which are Italian of ‘em guessed Rottweiler, OMG WTFFFFFFFH
-Omg, on a S3 disc Iwan's role is identified as "BOY," wtfffff #HERECOMEDATBOI #OSHITWADDUP

...Yeah, we're backtrackin' through the seasons' bonus shite...commentating aloud on the commentary...funniest overall is the Nikolaj/Gwen/Dan P. on S5E2. Bit of good stuff in S3. Best commentary is the Liam/Carice one

*Cersei is nasty, cruel, sadistic...would do anything to anyone without batting an eye if it suited her mood...she sneers contemptuously down at the 99% of people who have less power and comfort than she does in her privileged position. Yeah, there are downsides, her life isn't all sunshine and roses, but she acts as if she's the only one in the world for whom things are imperfect. Her brand of "love" is very self-centered as well, as if those people are her property or extensions of herself...she cares about them more for her own sake than for theirs...always does what she wants whether or not it's best for them. don't find her sympathetic at all. guess i can see why people would, though; she takes common traits to an extreme. 
Cersei would never be a hero. She'd never save anybody who wasn't in the small circle of those who have her brand of selfish, twisted, possessive "love." It's always about what she wants, not what's best for anybody else. She'd never kill anyone for harming another, unless it was one in that same little circle. She's not a hero and doesn't pretend to be. "Everyone always sees themselves as good and doing the right thing" is HORSESHIT. Lots of people simply don't give a shit about "what's right," and do whatever pleases them, whatever they think is good for them. "Because it feels good" is all the justification they need. ;p

~pet names~ :
Ha ha did sound like a copy/paste of the same extremely vague 'working on it' "updates." I'll be very pleasantly shocked if it ever actually happens. Sadly it seems so believable that he wrote himself into a corner from which he doesn't know how to back up, focus, get back on track, and wind things down in a manner that won't receive a response similar to what GoT did. Sigh...fingers crossed 'cause it doesn't hurt, but not getting my hopes up.
Re: Arya--I never saw any of her actions as wrong for seven straight seasons. Then the last one happened. "She's the smartest person I've ever met." "She's not one of us." ...Girl, I don't even know you.
And yeah, the autotrollbot "Mr. B & Mr. W" comments are still hilarious. x'D
Re: the virus, one thing I can't understand is how "a mask/facial covering wouldn't necessarily protect you but it might protect others from you." How in the world would that be? Anyway, I'm in our home office normally, so the biggest change for me has been the unfathomable decision of stores to drop their grocery pickup or delivery services. Because having people enter the store makes so much more sense than having the employees run orders outside...on some planet or other...


  1. So what're we keeping as canon from S8?
    Well, the first episode was fine. Little perfunctory, but fine. Save for a few little seeds of bullshit (e.g., Sam's stupid overreaction to the Randyll/Dickon news, "sMaRtEsT pErSoN i'Ve EvEr MeT" as if Arya's met literally no one else in her entire life, sucky-Sansa vs. Dany distractions from what truly mattered and general dumbass northern ingratitude, etc.)
    Second episode is entirely okay. That one's just beautiful beginning to end. My sole issue was how antsy I got waiting for Mel's arrival.
    Third one? Eh. It was the antithesis of the show to have so many significant characters somehow survive the Great War unscathed--via the magic of cutting away each time they should've been killed or severely maimed. Or for Brienne's bear scar to suddenly vanish. Impossible to overstate the fuckery of ending the Great War in the same episode it officially began, with a single night and battle. Needed more. What I love most is Melisandre's role--but again, needs more. Was waiting and waiting for a logical 1v1 showdown with the NK. Most were awaiting Jon's, and they had good reason, but I always champion the underappreciated. Meli's MVP contributions can never be forgotten or understated. Fucking NBA player Ninjarya wouldn't have been the other "hero of Winterfell" if not for her. Yes, naturally I expected a more complex result from the mysterious "blue eyes" statement than a girl with a dagger simply running up to the Big Bad and sticking him with the pointy end as if he were merely another human victim (seriously, if from the start you knew THAT'S how it'd end, why in hell would you even keep watching?!) FUBAR in the extreme.
    I adore the eulogy/funeral scene even though Mel couldn't physically be on the pyre. Every word Jon spoke applied to her in at least equal measure. What I wouldn't give for a scene between her and Sandor after Arya ran off to do the witch's bidding. Or to hear about it from him afterward. Also would've been nice to hear Arya tell everybody why she murderized ol' Frosty, but we didn't see that bit at all; it's just implied that she and/or Bran revealed what happened to end the battle. Mel, you are the true Azor Ahai/Princess Who Was Promised, and you will be forever remembered as the one red priest(ess) who gave a sufficient shit about the end of the world to actually show up and fight it. That'll do, girl. Well done.
    The feast/celebration was mostly all right. Humor, fanservicing but believable enough romance, etc. Bronn scene good.
    The rest of the latter three...goddamn. Maybe there was a way to tragically transform your high-minded, idealistic heroine into an insane terrorist who throws her entire plot line down a rat hole for naught, but ho boy, that sure as shit wasn't it.
    Characters who could've made interesting returns wholly abandoned, loads of brilliant book-based theories unused, years of foreshadowing wasted and ignored. The ultimate last-minute fumble. Truly godless.
    Worst part of S7 was the Stark-sibling+Littlefinger plot, which could've been remedied with a simple clarification at the end that Sansa got the truth from the other two after LF's insinuation that Arya wanted to kill her to become Lady of Winterfell. Still makes you wonder why Bran would sit on the dirt for so long, apparently uninterested in helping decent folks against blatantly evil folks ever. The little shit used his epic powers to reveal useless information and weasel his way into the crown. That's it. He's a passive-aggressive villain and a horrendous choice for king. Suddenly-stupid Tyrion either can't see this or just actually wants to try and be the real power behind the throne again.

  2. Seriously, by the fifth episode I was so infuriated I could feel nothing for anybody--not the fucktards of King's Landing, not Jaime Fucktard Lannister, not nofuckinbody. Edd's death hurt. Jorah's hurt. Beric's was sad. Mel's made me cry. Theon's was sad but dumb. Ditto Missandei's. Rhaegal's was gutting but, on reflection, unnecessary. Qyburn's actually made me momentarily kinda sad; I liked that dude. But Sandor's failed to make the impact it should've, partly due to the overwhelming bullshit surrounding it. Similarly, Varys had been a top favorite all along and I dreaded losing him. When it finally happened? I was just numbed by the utterly unbelievable stupidity of the situation. Ditto for Daenerys. And I didn't get to properly enjoy the eagerly-awaited deaths of the NK, Euron, Gregor, or Cersei for the same reasons. I should SUE. Judge Judy would be on my side and throw the book at them, I just know it. The whole damn unfinished series!

  3. In closely related series......"Rainbow Rangers." Boy, yet another attempt at the "group of colorful magical girls." Very Berry Bitty Adventure-flavored. Interesting names...
    Pepper Mintz, that's probably the best.
    Mandarin Orange, Anna Banana, Rosie Redd, Bonnie Blueberry (*cough Muffin*), Indigo Allfruit, Lavender LaViolette...okay wait, I officially don't get ROY G. BIV. Why is indigo the only intermediate color included? If Lavender is supposed to represent purple, how come she's colored all pink/magenta-like...? Her name's fun to say though. Reminds me of Owlette.
    Pretty typical personalities. "The leader," the yellow Fluttershy one, the introvert (which does noooooooot mean shy you doofuses), the extrovert, the smart one, the fashionista, the naughty/playful one. The rainbow unicorn. :|

    1. Rainbow Rangers~Berry Bitty Bitches (Sour Rangers):
      *Pepper Mintz--possibly the best one? Good name, good color that's not represented in SS and often forgotten. Really nice hair and aesthetic/scheme. Has this truly alien skin color that's kinda cool, like a mustardy glowing golden tone...nonhuman without being an Andorian or Doug character or whatever. xD She's pretty smart & cool...essentially Beebs without the robovoice. :b She's read about everything.
      *Indigo Allfruit/Plum Pudding--seriously, wtf kinda catchall name is "Allfruit?" Like, we can't make a character for every fruit (and these aren't all fruit-based like the SS girls anyway!), so let's just call this one "all fruit." She's kinda cool with the badass 'tude though.
      *Rosie Redd/Strawberry Shortcake/Raspberry Tart/Cherry Jam--I mean... Rosie's closest to Strawberry but still. The fuchsia/red ones. Strawbs=fuchsia, Rasp=magenta, Cherry actually has like navy blue hair. Going for dark cherry. Rosie's also got the x-ray vision shield that basically gives her an unfair second power.
      *Anna Banana/Lemon Meringue--Lemon is one of the best BBA ones. Anna is, one of the more dumb and annoying Rangers. ^^' Mandy too, aargh. Patty's hair should be a realistic blonde so that Anna's can stand out as banana-yellow...or, lemon...whatever. :/ Fruity.
      *Bonnie Blueberry (aka B.B., aka Bebe like Brainy Barker?)/Blueberry Muffin--Oy. Computer-voiced know-it-all-nerd (with a super-unfair Construct-o-Max tool on top of her power AND encyclopedic knowledge that makes her the most useful one because it can literally just create anything imaginable instantly out of nothing)...and BM, "the smart one." Also kinda the coolest personality of the Shortcakes. So, blueberries=brain food. BM's got more of a royal/ultramarine vs. BB's turquoise-y sky.
      *Lavender Laviolette/Plum Pudding--Dammit it sounds better as "LAHV-ee-oh-let" than "La-VEE-oh-let." Kinda annoying (well, they all can be.) More magenta than lavender going on. RR has two purple-ish ones, BBA has three red/pink-ish. Neither is straight-up just purple/violet but Lav is apparently supposed to cover that while Indy gets bluish-purple. Plum is between them. Lav might have the best name after Pepper.
      *Mandarin Orange/Orange Blossom--Hm. You'd think one of these would be yellow. But yeah, obvies... (And then Floof the prismacorn? You mean to tell me that's a boy? Oookay...)
      Overall pretty godawful animation, even for TV. Freaky wall-eyed characters. Precious darling finsome Mekong catfish though. Outrageous imbalance as far as which girls get sent on missions!! Absolutely hilarious to keep calling it as BB gets sent nearly every time. Anna goes A LOT. Pepper's in between, and probably then Rosie...Indigo...Lavender and freakin' Mandy had to have gone the least often. Most of the time they may as well not have been there. Guess Kalia is their Celestia goddess who knows basically how things're gonna go. And they're the only humanoid creatures living on Kaleidoscopia. Along with at least one prismacorn. :b

    2. Princess Power: Oh dearest Bob, what is this shit? Ripping off Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Rangers (cheap garbo to begin with), etc...the dumbass Lego Friends...totally unnecessary, late-to-the-party message. Nothing original. Four random fruits. The black one's always stuck with brown skin, hair, eyes. Gotta have the best one, the green-eyed redhead...why even bother with anyone else? This is such copy-paste bs though. Like most of the past 15 or so years' crap, auto-consigned to the trashbin of unnoticed, forgotten obscurity. Oh sure, we've got the fucking sporty one. The smart--nay, brilliant one who's literally Jimmy Neutron/Dexter and has a full science lab, invents shit adults haven't, blah blah. Not remotely realistic or relatable, and insanely overdone. Only works when that's the main gimmick/joke/premise and the show is good, *like* JN & DL. These are supposed to be role models for little girls or some shit. Instead they're just boring and unbelievable. Why does "smart" have to manifest in "sCiEnCe OnE with gadgets for every stupid shituation we basically copy from what's already been done because I DON'T KNOW, we're enslaved by these evil corporations forcing us to keep shitting out trash even though we clearly don't want to because it's all disgustingly worthless now?" Got the friggin' artsy one and one? Maybe "tHe CaRiNg OnE?" Barfola. Pointless. Nothing else needs making, almost. We've got *plenty* of excellence for all. We've had it since the 90s (which extended into the 2ks and, truly, to this very day, since nothing worthwhile has succeeded them.) Need a blonde, however. Three brunettes and a black (well I mean, the one is real dark brown...) But very unbalanced. ;b The two white brunettes are probably gonna be tough to tell apart. Not unlike Dawn & Stacey at times. xD

    3. Yeah,'s very much a pastiche that seemed to constantly borrow from SO many other characters, songs, movies, etc.
      Cliches, really obvious stuff..."perfect" person is tired of having to be perfect all the time, strong person is tired of feeling the need to carry the world on their shoulders, stern and traditional grandparent does their best to protect the family, "weirdo" kid feels not good enough, etc. Quirky relatives abound. Work through your personal/interpersonal issues. Have to break apart to come back together stronger than before, etc. It's just that the whole plot just kind of amounted to..."What's happening to the magic? Is it me? Oh, hi Bruno. Guess it is me. Wait, gotta help some folks through their shit and understand each other better. Oh noes, our house collapsed. That sucks. But it's okay, let's just rebuild it! Everybody around'll help because the Madrigals are as popular as Those Calloways! That worked, yay."
      It climaxed and resolved so quickly and simply. And did Mirabel really need to be humiliated and tormented like that just so that her lame gift could turn out to be helping everybody else with their bullshit? Sure, now they're all like "You're the real gift to our family Mirabel, uwu..." But c'mon, isn't everybody viewed as a gift in and of themselves (even Bruno now?) I'd still be hella pissed in her place.
      The second time through was more enjoyable since I had no more expectations and could just pick up on little details and relationships that didn't fully sink in the first time. Hadn't planned to rewatch, but did because my brother started it for his daughter. I finished it after they left so it wouldn't stay under "continue watching." But I still don't know why the grandfather was killed and by whom?? Why they were driven out of town? Why this particular family was blessed with the miracle? [originally 3.28.22]

    4. best madrigal gifts:
      1) isabella's--the Poison Ivy plant control. Grow anything on demand? Awesome. Just botanical Elsa, even the song is her Let It Go...
      2) antonio's--talk to animals, well duh.
      3) camilo's--so I can shapeshift into all the best animals. 8'D That's the ultimate dream anyways. Very useful too.
      4) pepa's--your mood affects the weather? not top three but kinda cool. (Pepper'd be a better name though, huh...she kinda deserves to have isabella's name/gift/personality/reputation...)

  4. "Corn & Peg" is an astoundingly shameless, blatant ripoff of FiM, seemingly made for kids too young to know the difference. o.O Speaking of FiM...The Hub>Discovery Family...

  5. I'll say this--they get good singers for these preschool shows. Muppet Babies, Fancy Nancy, the last two Nick Jrs I was just talkin' aboot. Rainbow it's kinda like Paw Patrol? They all show up but only three are selected for each mission based on their skills? Annoying computer voice on the blue one. "Allfruit," what is up with that? "We can either keep making girls based on every fruit and color-themed word-name, or we can just call this one 'Allfruit...'" "Yeah, let's go with that." And why pronounce Lavender's surname "La Violette" when you can say "LAHV-iolette?"

  6. Excellent point: Dany was always talking about sailing for KING'S LANDING. Instead of making a quick stop in Dragonstone to visit her birthplace and make any last-minute arrangements, she just...hangs out there long enough to meet Jon and become persuaded to aid him in his walking-dead war. She should've shown up in full force at King's Landing to take Cersei and the Lannisters by surprise, giving them no time to develop scorpions or strategies. There could have been an easy, straightforward victory...but THEN things get complicated by the real enemy, the real external threat to all of humanity that strikes when they're focused on their own intraspecies squabbles. THAT WAS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE GODDAMN SHOW FROM THE START. The "Game of Thrones" is just that, a game. A facade, a farce. To neatly brush past the Great War that ought to have escalated into something absolutely earthshattering in order to just utterly destroy most of the characters you've built up over seven seasons and end on a disgusting wet fart (I'm sorry, I hate grossness but there's no better way of describing it) is a truly UNFORGIVABLE ABOMINATION.

  7. "Rainbow-colored fish aren't natural on Earth." Did I seriously just hear those words in that order...from the SMART character? RR is already a gigantic joke of course, but holy shitty-shite. Just when the girls start to get used more evenly, they start repeating episodes within a season and repurposing scenes and animation and just doing the damn near exact same things over and over. ASS. Like a third of it is just different dialog over the same animation.
    Encanto was weird. Is it based on some sort of Colombian folklore or something? Could've taken place anywhere though. Why did Pepa the weather girl look white, and as if she belonged in Merida's family? The whole thing felt like a copy-and-paste of elements, designs, imagery, melodies, lyrics, etc., from other films...primarily Disney princess ones. Music had some strong points, and there was good dance choreography. Certainly played like a stage show. Isa was sorta like a darker Jasmine or Poca. What ultimately happened? "Oh no, what's threatening the family's magic and what does it have to do with me? Why was I the only one totally humiliated at my gift-getting ceremony?" "Oh no, our house fell apart." "Let's all quickly work through our relationship issues bing-bang-boom and rebuild the magic house!" "Okay! Yay, that worked!" The issues were pretty obvious and easily resolved. The backstory was unclear/confusing--wtf exactly happened there, for the grandfather to die and the family to become blessed with this miracle? How many other, non-gifted people live in the "encanto?" It's like a magical town protected from the rest of the world? Mirabel was gifted to the family as a gift unto herself (but then subsequently humiliated) so she could, them through this tough period and save the magic/repair the house? Bring back Bruno? Make them one really big united happy family? I guess. I'd have to look back at the family tree to be sure of who was related to whom how, too. xD


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