ye olde nostalgic ramblings pt. ii 

this’ll just be for jotting more random shit so I don’t need to keep adding edits and comments to the long other... the Hershey and other shit I just wrote in a 4/30/21-commenced “my stuff” graphic after pinning the second video of that eternally ongoing series.

*~!*~!*~* Beloved Pet Shanty, Bowcraft, Jimmy Buff's (wasn't that the name of the slanted-glass-front hot dog joint with the cool fryers just like Barbie's food court?? Now it's "Yummies?" Wtf, JB was a way better name), the woodsy confirmation retreat place, Scotchwood Diner [all diners incl. Lukas' after seeing Ullie before bringing her home the next week, the motorcycle trip there, the Spinning Wheel a lil' further...etc. forever ;] And every other gr8 rt 22 place. (Perky-waitress Perkins ("Chicken nuggets? All riiiight!"), Martin's/cool furniture stores, Nipper's Shake-a-Paw, other stores, so on and so forth...) Instructional vids+equipment for cheerleading, Irish dance, kendo...^^ my laminated photo family tree. x'3 Purple CatDog trivia book. TURKEY THE TURQUOISE DOG...Connie the koala, Valentina the white Pood, DeSoto the bobblehead shepherd/Kelpie, tub Squidward, red Bulldog, Goldie the seal, Caprice Corgi & eeeeeverybody else EVER that we somehow lost (for instance some be in here, thank GOD for photography...don't think I have Turkey or Connie in a photo and it KILLS me. Turkey the sit-up pup w/ black dots on his muzzle & I think connected paws, was so particularly unique & adorable.) My grandpa's awesome liquor store in Linden--October's Spirits, with the black cat/fence/moon logo. Now it’s “Everblue Liquors.” :/ Hiding in Bradlees clothing racks. WAITASEC. Didn't I have an awesome thick rubber-plastic key chain (or magnet) in the form of four realistic squares of chocolate? *-* And that green book about how to better take tests (got for math, otherwise totally didn't need.) And our intelligently-designed sporknives in rbyg. Aaallll the boys' video games (so basically all vidja games xD) on every console, esp me faves (e.g., Mario, Pokemon, Yoshi, DK/Diddy, Cruisin' USA, Starfox...)+those I added, rented, gifted, w/e (e.g. PS2 Nemo, Endless Ocean, Cars, EM, etc.) Fred's cool big book of cutaways.

White-piped black sundress, sunset-scene one from the WDW pics. | Jess' & my SHIT-TONS of Teletubbies (& hilarious art-messes), all over the school lunch tables. Bookmarks: black lab (or flattie? no lab--dubbed Fletcher) splashing along shore toward you, bordered by red patterned areas. the one i rediscovered as an address label w/ the dogs in the convertible. all our old furniture, layouts, & just every single one of the zillions of things we've ever had everywhere. #alwaystheveryverybest The electric green-yellow plastic frame that was twins w/ the hot pink one we still have on another Hershey fam photo. Hershey factory tee. Being "Martina" the cashier selling stuff from my room to the boys. Using adding machine in shop to be cashier there. Acting out every situation/scene/event that's ever been, w/ PiMPs or ourselves. PiMP pool parties, wars, elections, kennels, planes, sled teams, game shows (e.g. "Paws on a Porsche" aka Hands on a Hardbody), school stuff, sports/games/competitions, performances, homes, assignments, role-playing, epic travels & adventure everywhere...just see my 3 relevant ViMP-board posts (3/1+5/15, 8/20/18.) red/white narrow-stripe boatneck 3/4 sleeve. thick gold "peace" belt w/ metal letters across chains. - lincoln logs, buildin' blox. super-cute rubber glow worm somewhere...tater heads, barrels o' monkeys, lite brite, etc. Titanic poster tee+Leo book lol. rubber twisty key chains. bracelet spence loved (covered in yellow+orange tiny rubber hershey kisses, like the yellow+hot pink sphere pendant i still have.) soccer-ball red/yellow bead bracelet. barnum & bailey/ringling bros pink elephant water-globe wand. telescoping neon plastic sword souvenirs. White "my best friend" Maltese tee w/ illustrations, breed info paragraph. Yellow Dane one w/ head, country of origin, full pic, other info. 6th-grade Vesuvius project. All my funny/snarky "word tees." White ceramic watering can w/ ~3 painted flowers, blue accents. Those metallic royal-blue jeans that painted you blue.

Those round Ritz cracker- and Cheerio-shaped plastic fresh-keeper things! :-x Our old BOAT (& the photo of me in it in the driveway...) Those gr8 old inflatable Easter buns. Faded pink flamingos, inflatable Easter duckling, Seymour the polar bear with the indigo snowflake sweater, precious spooky-tree, Xmas candy canes+peppermints, Snoopy's doghouse, flocked artificial tree, animated Rudolph, giant wreaths?, window heart/shamrock/bunny, any and all older lawn ornaments/holiday decorations we might not have cuz they get worn out and newer shit breaks way faster cuz they truly don't make shit like they used to. Best garden ornaments: Stone sculpted mushroom cluster--blue w/ yellow or white spots? From roadside fair. Squirrel pair (fave was lying down, other sitting up. Always in shed window box w/ cardinal on stump.) Whiskey the mini-Schnauz (did he wind up on Grammy/Boz's front porch? Was there another? We have the Beag...perhaps a Bulldog or something? Maybe? Idk.) Etc. The puppy journal--horizontal rectangle w/ watercolor-style doggies on purple cover. Looked like (maybe was?) a Carl the Rottweiler book. Used for Nipper. Know I found a pic of it years back but can't now. :/ the leprechaun mug (body was mug, arm was handle--alas that broke off.) my achilles surgeonfish-inspired clay plate from ceramics class (glazed dark brownish-black with bright red-orange circular center)+dark brownish-black glazed clay jar/vase w/ the braided twist 'round the neck. the treadmill photo (apr 2012 fkmfj) of several of my various school-made artworx/projects. that green book in the cellar of yard games/projects (big dominos and stuff?) And a black one of magic tricks I think mayhaps... EASTER SHIT: The yellow/green/purple/pink bunting, yellow/blue/pink egg stakes, mini egg-shaped snow globe with pink-dress-clad anthro bunny inside (that I think kinda turned orange and leaked...) Woozee trail all over school, make-a-scene book... Apple-picking ceramic bear photo frame.

Johnny Carino's with the heavenly lemon delicacy. My huge graduation slideshow set to "Graduation," "Please Remember," etc. Me bag of various excellent straws/LF straw decorations and everything else on the Missing Mickey/pink Minnie/green Goofy ones, the jack-o'-lantern+bat mini-spoon-on-the-end ones, yadda yadda. White Snoopy+yellow Woodstock-face fun straw pair. All spoon straws, bendy/twisty ones, Mickey-face ones, color-changing cereal box ones. The text-to-speech site with the wizard character who'd speak-sing songs in a highly unique, eternally memorable fashion (particularly The Banana Boat Song [Day O] & I Think We're Alone Now...xD) My BEAUTIFUL transparent sunnies with the yeller happy faces all over (dropped on Stonehenge once and had to walk back for 'em...;w; ) Thank Bob I have my prescription Rems pair (royal/cobalt like my precious black-and-blue schwinn*) bc searching "mens sunglasses" for Father's Day yields ~8k results. Might as well be none. The Disney quiz book & great red softcover storybook collection. The glorious Lady & the Tramp square tapestry throw pillow (green back, scene with cast including my beloved Peg+Boris in springtime yard)—always in trailer, don’t know that we have now, has to be in pix/vids. Just realized: What in the recent fuck happened to my River's Edge Airstream light string and the opaque pink flamingo one? Maybe they quit working... Didn't we also maybe at some point have a dancing leprechaun magnet or ceramic something or other? And a sitting one w/ velvet dangly legs and ceramic shoes--like the snowman? Or am I making shit up now... *after the hot pink/white training-wheel+streamers/bell trusty decked-out multi-speed beauty that was just so absolutely perfect, easily the coolest bike available... Those carnival-prize-style neon fish w/ furry stripes that hung in Samonte's office+visible on Jumanji toy shelves (I had one of my own @ some point didn't I?) Our awesome neon Seahawk-logo lamp. My plush Pound Puppy kennel/doghouses (Violet, Donna, Sprocket.) Kokopelli soap dish. '10 Spongebob poster.

"red rocket" jeep grand cherokee, land rovers, awesome teal aerostar van, motorcycles/scooters/dirtbikes, every vehicle...My royal-blue+black (just like the Schwinn) scooter-type motorcycle. Fillup's touring bike, etc. Ma's Firebird and red Corsica with the sexy radio/dash (always had a  thing for dashboards thanks to that and the auto-history book in the set in the parlor.) The almighty Citation trailer. (Current red Ford F150, burnt orange/copper/rust & silver work vehix, blessed Beatrice, etc. That Transit Connect thing...) All other cars & black Neon, the dirtbikes, yadda... Vienna 60: one of a zillion sad covid casualties? ;; ~ What was Wall Spatula? A prize animal Fred won at a fair/carnival/theme park, but what species? And which one did he accidentally gift to the next kid to get in his seat on a ride by forgetting it there? xD; The publication of my horrible poem re: a park; class illustrations of "What a Wonderful World." | Other plays such as Brighton Beach Memoirs, Diary of Anne Frank (I was Petronella in our performance--liked the name, petroleum+citronella. xD Have the playbill I made.) Hmm...maybe that book that was solid brown bc I removed the jacket, & answered questions re: why dogs do this & that...might not have that one... | Some good past swimsuits: McClure-like technicolor clownfish school kid one (BEST EVER), one-piece black w/ diagonal neon red/orange laser lights, little kiddie white w/ ruffled sleeves+puffy abstract colorful shapes/designs (photo in inflatable pool on porch, the round one w/ vertical rainbow panels inside the clear plastic.) And the plastic "White Castle" kiddie pool. x'3 Planet Frog habitat w/ dud tadpoles. Elementary school book where we had to illustrate What a Wonderful World (maybe based on an actual book w/ a white cover w/ trees/roses/2 people & very childlike drawings? Or was that ours? xD) Tropical fish sticky note cube (from O'Johnnie's...wondrous beautiful place that gave us Sandicast and other ceramic & glass figurines, snow globes, Beanies, key chains, bookmarks, etc.) Index cards+folder w/ stickers/labels from the hundreds of Yankee Candles we've gone thru.

fred's & my many roleplaying games...
little tikes chalkboard easel+wooden chalkboard storage desk w/ ABC/123 on it, cube storage table. Loverly wooden alphabet blocks.
class pix from each grade (group ones [k-5]+individuals.) colonial day dried flowers (& horn book, which ofc we still have along w/ the roll-top desk and eeeeeverything else in/around/near there, thank goodness.) every special day, event, project, holiday/party, dress-up (hippie day!), spirit week type of day...claiming the best element (neon!) just the thousands of things like that. millions of specific memories. bringing in fish books for people to make realistic ones for 5th grade ocean mural (remember my threadfin butterfly and some other I made.) winning 'animal lover'/'best writer' ribbons; jealousy of gretel's star art; making awesome space-rainbow board game based on...dammit what book was it? interstellar pig but the one i based my game on... & that dog-shaped summer-reading book report too... specialness marking special days (such as first/last days of a school year.) Cardi+BC baseball caps (now Goofy Movie, Saluki, lavender w/ white Peep, Markie, HSUS logo.) grape+orange gum-carton magnets. my neon yellow/green super soaker, our nerf shit... me being a total north-going zax & jules being a south-goer. xD #SOTRUE | Fuchsia feather boa. That kids' book of musical instruments with the navy-blue cover & girl playing harp or piano or summat?? | My rubber lemon+lime wedges air freshener. That epic shiny-smooth royal blue jacket from Limited Too or Delia*s or whatever. And the royal cable zip hoodie (whose replacement is hoodless+itchy with tight, shrunken sleeves...curse wool.) Jewel tee from This Way tour. Joe's & my childhood treatises, written in Print Shop Deluxe Ensemble II ("Dumbness" & "Electric Is Cooler Than Monkeys.") Fred's plastic Batmobile bed, chunky realistic pink plush pig, Figment. All sets of colorful cups (wavy ones, 'frosty' ones, etc.) Waiting room toys w/ beads sliding along metal tracks.
“Night vision” 🐺-eye tee. Tissue paper fishbowls.

The pizzeria+doughnut (or bagel?) place+model train museum strip mall, the old Big Dogs stores. sussex county generally. elias cole, chatterbox. thirsty moose. every which where. The Brett/Mt. Washington train tee (“The Dog” lens Beagle on hunter.) Lovely elderly neighbors Nick & Helen, Roger & Judy. Peke next door, classmates' dogs/pets...;; WB Store @ mall with Looney Tunes airplane you could climb in+characters. every last detail of every last shopping trip & other excursion. memorable tissue box patterns (e.g. lemons, gourds/pumpkins...) ;w; DELIA*S+ALLOY. LIMITED TOO (ICONIC FLOWER LOGO...STILL HAVE MY PURPLE/PINK PILLOW & THE GREEN/PURPLE/PINK FELT FLOWER I MADE BASED ON IT.) SUNCOAST, SAM GOODY. DISCOVERY CHANNEL STORE @ SHORT HILLS OR CHERRY HILL (GOT CROC HUNTER TEE, FOAM CORAL REEF PUZZLE MAT THAT'S UNDER THE POOL TABLE, DOGGY DOCUMENTARY TAPE, ETC.) lemon+cherry plates. My insanely amazing/huge wardrobe including excellent pieces from when Victoria's Secret sold great clothes. Tons from middle/high school (incl. My Own, Bacon Sleeves, etc.) The white-side-stripe indigo nylon-ish pants that were more purple but Fillup called blue. | Wavy vertical fish lamp from the always-phenomenally fun Liberty Science Center. Dolphin/ocean/island scene backlit lamp from the store across the lobby from PathMark. The 3 mini lamps where we each got one and they were in the trailer for a while & then mine was in my room for a while & now it might be in PA...cream ceramic w/ pink bouquet, cream shade... | That rock-polishing kit w/ the pretty hot pink perfume bottle-esque flask/tumbler thing, & the crystal-growing that failed like the tadpoles (tragically bc the habitat was adorable)+so many thins...? xD Like the "blacklight" rocks from the quarry that didn't glow...8| And bc they seem to be, uh, gonzo...the mini MLP water bottle (ts/rd/pp?)+the jacketed colorful one w/ the zip pouch & rubber peace sign spout (hippie pood's headpiece)... Orange spaghetti-strap tank w/ "I have issues" in glittery white. The cute pig-family kitchen set from Target (esp the oven.) "For boys who tease and girls who tattle, there's nothing more handy than Grandma's paddle." Family Circle cookbooks!

"I like the beach! J'aime la plage!” song from French class. again all the old clothes, which you'd literally be listing forever...hottrash & greeting-card-cabinet photo w/ the patriotic doghouse tee+12-fruit clock+demotivators on wall reminded me of some shite from all different ages. 3d poodles panel, row of 3 yellow smileys,  giant lion-face, big bejeweled pineapple shirts. the green/white polka dot floral set. smooth grey pants w/ the pocket pouch belt thing. grey yogas w/ side vertical rainbow stripe that got lost in middle school gym locker somehow. screenprinted "denim" w/ r/w/b spraypaint. spandex navy bellbottom/flare. black drawstring cargos w/ red stitching made of that cool outdoorsy plasticky material I'm not sure what to call (parachute?) the red tee w/ the light blue wrist-licking kitty surrounded by flames, black sox w/ ryo flames, black hoodie w/ some kinda badarse silver emblem. my light yellow super-soft thick chenille vertically-ribbed sweater. Lavender stirrup pants. Everything visible in the zillions of photos. Bonfire, haunted trail & shit, hayrides, on & on. :'D / my ultimate halloween costume lists (all worn/all good'uns)--lj tag "halloween best." 87578, 75384. Chip w/ treasure map+Dale w/ mirror. That quartet of hot chocolate mugs w/ a different mug sculpted in relief on each. That wooden music box thing from Grandma Mary/Grandpa Fred that was a sculpture of a bedroom? Striped wallpaper-type pattern on the rectangular base, papered wall forming the back...shelf or bookcase or something with toys, teddy bear, chair, rug? Details like that? ;w; ~ Ma's yellow suitcase of dolls, pink/yellow Care Bears...Idkwut2use comment here! | That large vertical rectangle pendant necklace that’s a checkerboard of white/tan shades w/ few beads on chain/strap. The mint version of the bejeweled VS flippity-floppities. My rad royal die-cast hippie Rav-4. Easy Bake. (Snoopy snow cone machine also?) The changing table in the kitchen w/ the patchwork pattern, certain boxes had scenes of a countryside family or nursery rhyme type stuff...mostly blue/white/pink...I was transfixed by the picture of the baby in the cradle for some reason, there was something about it... Lattice/cutout-style metal frog pendant from Nicki.


Fran @ House of London Hair Place--all childhood. Best salon. Then the place next to ShopRite (Easy St.) for a while in high school (nice lung yady who finally got me hair how I wanted it & started the blowouts, but then...left? Or wasn't actually a "curl expert?" Disgusting "liquid gum" 'sperience last time there.) Uncle Vin's spa place (love the totally nostalgic awesome ride there...) The one underneath Dr. Lake for a bit. The "expert" place Gramma found that I have the biz card for. The two practically next to each other--converted house, glass-front that I went to last time in 2015 for the Hunger Games movies. x3 The "wig house" on Meadow where I got the brunette one... Restaurant with dollhouse/miniatures collection. nick & helen, roger & judy (lovely elderly neighbors.) making t-shirts for various purposes. playing, biking, swimming, troublemaking w/ the two heathers who lived two houses down in either direction. trespassing on the corner mansion's backyard and awkwardly encountering the lounging ladies. xD boomer's doghouse (him being the red baron beagle on top)+pen; jack i's sweatpant-doored doghouse and behind-grill backyard beside my playhouse property (yard divided by bricks.) following jack around yard w/ camcorder trying to make a homeward bound-type movie and providing his dialog. fred's walkie-talkies. winmx/limewire/napster. my salmon-pink visor (fabric lined w/ white fleece)+the wdw ones (the rwb transparent plastic flag one!!!!) Mavis Beacon. The store that was next to ShopRite and Salon Easy Street, where I got Beanie Babies (Bubbles the Buddy fish for sure) and All Dogs Xmas Carol VHS and shit. Those cool online inkblot tests, Quizilla & all such whatnot. Gazillions of good quizzes, personality tests (SM.) The awesome fuchsia plastic/rubber choker w/ black spikes, black pentacle/pentagram armband, red/black rubber bracelets that twisted together, etc. My decent soap carving--wtf even was it? Cow head maybe? xD ` My big Kool-Aid Man cutout from FoodTown dude. Clear/transparent/translucent shit (like our phone. <3) Goodie bags. Dixie Cups (bathroom+ice cream.) Pinball mazes. Cow Palace+B&E+Jericho Dairy Bar (choconana place!) 6-x Lite Brite, Lincoln Logs. Brittany+Dane key chains, spinning Britt one.

Little Tikes gas pump. The blue clock on thick cardboard-ish material w/ numbers on yellow plastic circles that plugged into it? Or something like that? Flat cardboard toy with red plastic circular/rounded-square pegs that plugged into its holes? Jumanji board game. Did Fred have the Wayne Manor/Batcave and/or '03 TMNT sewer playsets? Methinketh yeth? 8'} A Mighty Max ever? Idk, mayhap. His tool stuff, helmets (esp John Smith's) were qt. Typewriter!, label maker (oh the labeling fun), old digicams & the film cameras...finishing roll, getting pics developed while grocery shopping... My TMNT+neon bike spokes. Ma's Teddy Ruxpin (have the book!) The animated storytelling Mother Goose plush. Everything on old floppies and discs from school and games and whatnot. Revelation: My transparent magenta plastic heart containing transparent magenta plastic bingo-chip discs? Guess those are tiddlywinks. The hardcover nonfiction series in Hehnly's library w/ an installment on every topic...the book in Kumpf about a dog in a diner in Cleveland or somewhere in Ohio or something? And he was...some kind of political mascot or some shit? Idk?? Some totally wrongheaded teacher said it wasn't ideal book report material for me and I was uber-pissed. - The pendant from Mama Faye--pewter dolphins surrounding swirly blue/green/purple sphere. Being tricolor smooth Collie Jemima on Dog Island; whatever Nintendogs I had. All the glorious online-game screenshots in photobucket, preserving them forever as all my photos do. Magnetic travel chess. The pink/green fish-print glass beverage dispenser (in for instance my 5th bd photo w/ my aviator-Snoopy flashlight, sunglass hairbow, Thomas towel, playhouse on the porch...) Our Otagiri ceramic teddy creamer w/ blue white-polka-dotted bandanna (did we have the red one in some form too?) The one Aunt Betty accidentally dumped out by flipping over, not knowing what he was. And she continued flipping him forever just because it is the bear that doesn't end... The turquoise buttons when they were a big stiff necklace--two layers of 'em strung flat side by side. The Lupine rubber-ducky collar. "Hakuna Matata" grub scene framed poster.

Watches: Oliver, vertical rainbow over sky-blue (rubbery plastic, transparent ring around face?), silver/aubergine electronic horoscope, mostly-green mixed strung beads, pastel woven suede, best one=sky blue where the metal didn't touch bc the face was on its own piece of fabric.

few randomish good photo examples in thar. golden oldies sign, pineapple can holder+joe's juice box train, Scuffy's bone bed, me w/ toys...thomas, apple basket, fridge/tea, foods, steering wheel, peekaboo mickey, dollhouse & a mill more; Pooh 1988 calculator+plush+ceramic, the mini circular plastic jungle gym w/ red slide from which I made Pa watch Cinderella so many times in the cellar, October's Spirits, Mickey book rack, old room layout w/ super-cool shit on Minnie shelves, etc. etc. etc.

"You can read along with me in your book. You will know it is time to turn the page when you hear the chimes ring like this." "AT MY MCDONALD'S." Flintstones...why do I recall having a (hot pink? purple?) building I thought was a Happy Meal burger joint or something? Looking @ the buildings, maybe I had the toy store? But Istg...maybe I'm blending the Viva Rock Vegas burger-shaped drive-thru restaurant with the toy store, but what I'm "remembering" differs from both those vaguely familiar might've-hads. Still have Fred+Barney in the purple log car tho, & the McD's dino-cup in the bag o' Happy Meal & similar toys. Just found that Flintstones glass while googling. Blue/black cordless phone w/ circular charging base. Listening to Car Talk in the car. ALL ME MANY Pipsqueak Productions stuffs. Old turtlenecks in various colors, yeah...mostly like monochromes, earth & jewel tones...and one that was white with a "geometric shape confetti" type of print? Maybe? Like dark green, yellow, wine-colored shapes maybe? Rubber squeezy coin purse key chains, esp shiny royal blue; metal/leather ones. Some of the best dog toys: Ulla's "Pink Puppy" Bow-Wow Beanie I picked up on the daytrip w/ Grammy in CT. Pink/magenta Pood w/ tennis ball (pix in ikulas.) Blue stingray w/ raised circle/dots on back. Squeaky rubber mushroom man--mostly orange/yellow w/ purple shoes, dots around cap, etc. (probably in pics though, like Ullie's pink tennis Pood+Pink Puppy Bow-Wow Beanie, etc. Very pink ikulas pic of bed when 'twas new.) Thick neon-orange rubber treat-hiding doughnut. Bumble Ball. Purple Magic Mushroom roller. Big Dogs beer can. Etc. etc. Most/all should or certainly do appear in doggy photos/my pix.

That one carnival w/ Mum+Granma where I tried harder than anyone's ever tried anything to win a goddamn dragonfruit-magenta Dalmatian plush...and it was utterly impossible...still bitter...but I got balloon-dog Zeppole @ Meet the Breeds bc he reminded me of the one that got away...refilled him @ A&P (now Acme) then walked him through the store...:3 | FOUND SMALL PIC OF THE LIFESAVER RAINBOW/CLOUDS/SUN/SKY CURTAIN FABRIC+WAS REMINDED I HAD THE MIRROR-COMB AS WELL...BUT IN WHAT COLOR? RED? GREEN? | My magazine subscriptions=Dog Fancy/World, AKC Gazette, Aquarium Fish USA/International. Scanner TV guides, TV guide channel. My beautiful cactus garden, flytraps, Longwood, etc. etc. etc. Collecting paint swatches/sample photos & house-plan magazine-books @ stores. All our innumerable games of pretend/make-believe and fun stunts, competitions. Being Jungle Woman in the pool & "What Did I Say Underwater?" Inflatable Figaros @ BK bday. (TG for everything of which we have photographic evidence/camcorder footage, or can find images of.) sudden triggered memory & the beast magnets? possibly of mrs potts/chip, lumiere, cogsworth? that kind made of separate rubber bits? | Borders!! ;; Deathly Hallows party, "Snape is a very *HOT* man" bumper sticker. My ovular London pillbox w/ the double-decker bus lid+gold base (from Woodworth for playing Miss Winnie in The Curious Savage.) silly putty eggs, metal+rainbow plastic slinkies. Precious Swedish Fish earrings. ;; The way some Hehnly tables had one long seat in red or green or yellow or blue (think?), and some had the individual blue circles--superior bc separate. | 8th grade dance, acting out “Summer Nights” & taking pictures, making memories, catchin’ little pieces of time, makin’ em yours, makin’ ‘em mine…shipboard prom, dragging date around decks looking for English teacher for photo (in yearbook), him taking goofy pics on friend’s camera she left on our table…etc. etc. Please Remember, From This Moment On, I’m With You, Livin’ La Vida Loca. Absolutely exceptional dresses/looks for everything ever.

all my aim names/3 old youtubes (rafflesia, bijou42, byanyaynyay.) _x_blackroses_x/quittikat. million old imdb names. no1wantsthisname. ;3 care2 (lisafrankluki.) wtf was bronyland even? flashdance on rainbowdashnetwork? xD (blacktulip009.) fanpop (fishypup.) was beddyborafluki on webshots. went through a few names...last might've been franklymydearr. oh no, justcallmereggie. started some of the mega-important fave-animal lists there (birds for rio, african animals for tlk...) The name sites aside from BNW--BehindTheName, BabyNamer (the original! Emailing comments from Ma's address bc I guess I didn't even have Wooferkid yet, not realizing she could see 'em in sent mail...xD)

when in doubt: moo. (maggie missing from first, for shame)

Whistle pops. Amazing sour fruity Altoids. Some poster/magazine-style Scholastic book(s) of pop culture shit (included some female pop/rock stars, tv/movie dogs; had purple cover[s]…) Issue(s) of some dog/cat/animal magazine with cat breeds (got me started on learning them), Sally Jessy Raphael article, dog name ideas (Buttercup the golden pup.) Love poster/calendar/puzzle images/charts of all the breeds/species/varieties of shit. Goes hand in hand with my love of list-making and determining favorite everythings. so good @ making brochures, magazines, etc. my vet clinic one w/ photos, orange islands/bikini bottom travel (latter for hs computer class), pokemon fancy, animal publications...incl. that early copy of the reader's digest illustrated book of dogs...single-page chapters on topics, some ill-informed info...xDs curved pewter dragon pendant. xmas necklace w/ b&w springer/cocker atop lighted musical wreath. the quartet of butter spreaders (raisin toast slices, croissants, cream cheese bagels, baguette.) the vinyl-ish rainbow patchwork doggo. nemo ball from toys be we. plastic orange+yellow wall fishy. photo frame w/ tank in front+2 swimming fishies. My LFU (Lisa Frank University) brochure with the "dorms" aka room samples from the hardware store paint section...excellent photos of me submitted to the LF magalog that feature lots of great additional stuff such as fluffy Pood, the Sandcastle Puppies bandaid case, the black "hot pink+white skulls" purse, the Show Champions dogs on my bookcase dog's slipper-shaped wooden tray, plush K-9 and Copper and all, etc.The Aragona science videos...Man-Hands who waits for no man, "Let's find the answer," etc. Fun websites: MenWhoLookLikeKennyRogers, AmIAnnoying, UglyPeople [.com] Astrology (probably other related ones as well) Find-a-Grave...


  1. What the FUUUUUCK, the Artgame site that sells Royce McClure art on shit doesn't even know which image I'm talkin' 'bout that was printed on lenticular plastic tumbler/cup in '09 apparently...goddamn coral reef/fish with dolphins swimming part was the bluespotted boxfish who was unfortunately cut off by the seam. Motherfucking balls. There's one I shan't ever forgive the lady for tossing on me without even asking (whereupon she'd have learned that I like that one more than the one she kept but no, I am unwilling to part with either since I clean my own damn cups and I really dgaf that the annoying staining in the bottom of those bugs you. It's fine. I know they're not dishwasher safe but YOU HAD NO FUCKING RIGHT. Getting rid of ANYthing that could mean ANYthing to anybody else ever is the worst kind of evil. How could it even cross your twisted mind? How could you not so much as think to take a picture first? Such betrayal cuts deep. The impudence, the audacity, the unmitigated gall...)

    1. The site doesn't have my other cup's dolphin+fish design or other fish-school ones I have on cards, puzzles...the whole things at least anyways...but I did go through and mark down all the best ones (53 total plus the various Disney/Frozen princesses, Nemo, Incredibles, Pooh, Mickey.) VERY best=Angelfish (clown loaches+neon tetras), Flamingos, Sea Otters (Garibaldi), Seahorses, Sugar Shock!, Moonlight Boogie!, Ostriches, Jellyfish, Turtle Town (fishy-wish), Poodwoof and Toucans and all the rest. Best we've got=Waterworld, Clown School, Fish Jam.

      Royce shouldn't just have a site with whatever paintings are currently being offered on products--it should be a site with ALL his artwork, plus a shopping section. Currently it's just the shop section and that is bs.

      Also: The most zodiacally perfect person is one born under Pisces in the Year of the Dog and the sign of the lime tree...represented by the two best animals...don't mind being a crab/rabbit/cat (crabbit/cabbit) though...suits me better than the general description of an average dogfish...

  2. Aw, AC Moore closed last year...;; Think I still have my card.
    I mean yeah, it & Michael/JoAnn/HL were identical twins just like every other set of stores that all have exactly the same shit, but...saddening nonetheless. That's where we got our graduation shirt materials, I got my pony cosplay stuff, etc. etc. Was a noice plasche.

    1. submitted some mcdonald's memories to a sweepstakes lol:
      "I have lots! Firstly, my awesomazing beloved 1989 Fisher-Price McDonald's was my pride and joy as a was my #1 concern when moving to our current house. Long as it was the first thing to be unboxed and I could set it up in the basement while the 'rents took care of everything else, all was well and this was home. Then I began collecting loads of Happy Meal toys, plastic foods, and Halloween pumpkin buckets--many of which I thankfully still have. That included a couple of my precious Polly Pockets and a beautiful Littlest Pet Shop swan. Having fun in the Play Place even though my mom disliked it because germs. xD Going through drive-thrus at different Mccy-D's on vacations. Loving all the character statues at a particular location. Getting the fruit & walnut salads (bring it back!), pies, etc. Having a McDonald's picnic as a kid...but since the Golden Arches are everywhere, there are always further opportunities for more memories wherever I am."

  3. That school project where I had to color a giant bear glued to styrofoam and I decorated its yellow vest with a big orange button and stickers and stuff? Had that for a while but don’t think we do anymore. ;; Did I give it yarn hair and some of the kawaii puppy stickers, I think? Aargh

  4. My dinorama was a (construction paper? clay? probably paper) brontosaurus in a Great Valley-esque paradise of tree stars and water, threatened by the erupting volcano in the background. I honestly didn't even mean to do that, it just seemed like, you GOTTA have a volcano so it's GOTTA be erupting 'cause that's what volcanoes do, alla time. Constantly. Everywhere. Like duuuuhhhhh. And then my Lenape diorama had a wigwam, garden, grape-stem tree, river, canoe...I think at least one person (a mom w/ a papoose?)

  5. "Army" picture (linked above via das words "in here") includes: Valentina. Sperngeberb. The Sussex pup (Naomi? Roxanne? Were those the names I gave her and the big mum?) The purple-eared yellow and red-eared green pair from that ICoD artist. Red Bulldog. Barking walking Dalmatian. Caprice the Pem-Corg. The Sheltie...what was her name?? That Chihuahua (Pedro or something maybe?) Goldie the seal. The Kromfohrlander with pups! From the Hotel Hershey gift shop if I'm recalling correctly? ;; DeSoto the bobblehead shepherd. The big Beag like Bosco, only Beag. Copper! Show Champs+Barbie Afghan. That cute tan-spotted white pupper behind Poodie, and the red/white Valentine-lookin' one on her other side. Orange crab. Bobblehead Beag. Tub Squidward. K-9 from 6 Flags. Gloria grape. Corn ear w/ floral pattern inside. The smooth fox terrier beanie? Thank Bob for photography.
    Everybody else still have...Pood, Basil, Angus, Wishbone, Snuggle Bear, Dolly (aka Sally aka Chumpy of The Chumpy & Cheese Show--Casey backpack being Cheese), Missy, Snowflake, Max, Estella, Amaryllis (royal sister of green Fiona), green smiley, Bubbles, Rover, Mutsy, William, Bosco, Vermont teddy, Boomer, Fajita (hoping all the other chickens/rooster are w/ Easter--obviously some are, & bunny...), Cleo, Jock, Trusty, Little Lady, Cancer-bear, Brandy, Doofles, Cappuccino, Hershey bar, etc.

  6. The magic of a 90s Disney Store...carpeting, animatronics overhead, plush tower leading up to huge movie screen, racks of rubber characters, the most excellent items...e.g. (from this OMD list): Genie's lamp (and holy shit our Jafar cobra staff that hissed "woooowww"), TLK sheet set, glittery water cups (and ofc placemats ;), tub mates (well those foam cutout wall sticker-ons generally, we had letters and whatnot, but looking at this Pooh set I do indeed believe we had it as well--omg the way the eyes are cut, and Tigger's pose, yes yes yes I remember them! :''D) Fortunately much of the all-time very best stuff we obviously still have. (Including the mini rubber Mickey calling on a Mickey phone, yay.)
    But why must everything degrade so significantly over time? Everything sucks ass now.

  7. kids are music everybody knows that kids are music they are full of music from their heads to their toes everybody knows everybody knows that kids and music are one

  8. -so foster's & smith was apparently bought by petco? kinda a shame.
    -now the best place we ever went xmas-tree hunting was that one that was wooded and mountainous and made you really feel as if you were the Berenstain Bears out seeking the perfect tree, rather than just going to Grizzly Gus' lot. miss that place. 'twas followed by all the various ones of various nicenesses and styles of lot, each with its own little perks. carriage house with the hot choco house was cool. same with apple orchards/pumpkin patches--went to a couple other memorable ones but nothing beats good old hill view, even despite their sometime bullshit (pricing, requiring paid tractor rides up the hill even when you wanted to walk...)
    -summer's the only season without a holiday of massive decoration...

  9. Fuck. Mowed down by the nostalgia train today. Found out two of the best Italian restaurants in NJ are permanently closed: formal Giovanna's in Plainfield (for 3 years now, since before covid), and semi-formal Bellini's in Avenel (since December.) Thankfully we have plenty of pictures from both. Went to Gio's a few times for family occasions bc Uncle Charlie liked it, including Fred's USMC grad party (the pics with me in the royal blue turtlenecked sweaterdress) and an Easter (I think I'm in the ivory/white pleated dress and Ma's in the fuchsia/salmon/green one and we're next to the coldwater aquarium at the entrance?) Bellini's we were at ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME, holy shit. Usually with Grandma & Boz, at least. Joe did a lotta camcording. The one time the Brattoles were there so instead of our usual corner round table we had two long ones pushed together in front of the front window wall...& we were talking about Silly Bandz and flowers and shit. I've got developed-film photos in my albums from there too, incl. the funny one of Grandma animatedly chatting at somebody that is the single image which best encapsulates her. XD
    Evidently there's now a Wawa where Giovanna's was. :| I mean...I used to like the Wawa that was like, across from the side street we'd take to get to the Colonia FoodTown...the street with the little gas station where Grandma knew the guy and the annoying-af four-way intersection with no stoplight and the house that's lucky enough to have the little creek wrap around it.
    But the sadness didn't end there, oh no. Mom then reveals that SNUFFY'S, fancy Scotch Plains host of senior dinner and more, closed down. Some grocery store I've never fucking heard of is supposed to be going in. This shit started me thinking of other similar restaurants/occasions.
    Mom reminded me of FRICKIN' GEORGES CATCH-27 in Linden--crazy memorable name, shame on me for not instantly picturing it. Another one where there's a photo of me as a kid, in I think a pink tulip or something dress with maybe white shoes/bonnet/sweater or whatever, standing outside the door to the room we'd rented for I guess she said Fred's communion...on that balcony/railing area once you came in and climbed the stairs up around to it. There are other photos of me and him in there while the party was getting set up I think, by the buffet table. Shit, dude. And the place where Corey's baby shower was held--a long deep rectangular one that was pretty nice, dunno what the name/location was but I'm sure there're pics. And from the shower itself in her yard. OneDrive just emailed me photos like YESTERDAY of "your memories" from however many years ago, one being me posed in that day's outfit. Lit'rally. Also don't know wtf these others were but they were in further-away towns: the Italian one that was basically like a big dark rectangular room & I think we had a table in the middle but there might've been (curvy?) booths along the sides, dark wooden walls, perhaps colored-glass-type windows that didn't let in a lotta light AND we were there at night. Prompted by somebody Fillup knew to go there, but it was like tough to get to and park at or something. Right on a corner of a side street off a main one. Then the fancy one that was for some big event with all of Fill's family--where you walk in and take the right-hand staircase up to the balcony going across the upper level against the wall into the dining room. Immediately pass the table where Fill & I had creme brulee. >>

    1. >> Could go left into the sorta-cramped room w/ the longass table where Ma & I were across from aunts/uncles/cousins. Might've been white curtains and like a white/yellow/gold type of color scheme. THEN I don't recall much of wherever we went for the dinner after Grandpa Fred's funeral, but many details otherwise. Just everybody at long tables against a white wall, lots of white. Jess going around smelling everybody's plates. The wake with Uncle Vin talking about Desperate Housewives--not really Ma's or my kinda show. Etc. Hiking in Cheesequake (XD) w/ Uncle Jim & Fred the next day. Pics from that hike, incl. my rainbow-dog fanny pack (sadly no longer usable due to the inner material shedding apart) containing wee plastic LF Casey in the blue plaid Sandicast Beagle bed...the one where half the top is an attached blanket. Now only have the same Sandicast Beagle as the clip-on Xmas ornament (glued to rug like the Basset with their accessories.) Reminds me of the old photo of me in the red Xmas Pooh footie pjs holding up the turquoise bone-shaped LPS bed with my beloved Scuffy in it under a blanket. ;3; Aw man, Scuffy--think Ma had to find another one after the first got lost bc I loved him so much. One of the little rubbery figures who was always sitting atop the kitchen phone. Love all those Disney & other guys. Mickey+phone, up there is the lavender elephant eraser from Hallmark? xD
      And now simply thinking of the word "friendly" prompts me to look up the Clark Friendly's to make sure that's still open. Ofc it's just one example of a gazillion. Lately it seem as if every eatery and shop you can think of has gone outta business. Probably mostly covid's doing, but also, which was unfortunately going to get you there eventually anyway...covid just accelerated it. And sadly we're, y'know, part of that. The invaluable convenience, the insane acceleration of time after you graduate school...yeah. So Friendly's has a "new look" (WHY goddammit, the one it always had was perfect), Country Dawn in Honesdale's gone (just a random example of a small store you'd not be at all surprised to hear had succumbed, and sure enough...gotta worry a bit about mom-and-pop type places esp. in wonderful little cozy towns like that and Hancock...) This shit'll never end. ;; World's going to hell even faster than I realized.

    2. ...glad D'Italia's still there, as PRECIOUS PRECIOUS PATHMARK oughta be. ;x; Everything only gets stupider and worse. The world's assness has increased a zillionfold. Hope DiCosmo's is doing aiight; we rarely ate in there behind Blockbuster, but delivery should keep 'em afloat? It was always kinda cool being able to tell that a classmate's dad owned it bc it actually bore their name.... oh and speaking of PathMark, also that watercolor-type "kittens and (mostly blue) flowers" (I think) sweatshirt I got from that shirt kiosk there with Grammy...

  10. Animal Crackers in Clarkton Shopping Center. The emu-oil+lemon shampoos, "Lemon Coolers," etc., from VT Country Store. That big ride-on giraffe I had as a kid. AW MAN...;-; Now I'm reminded of my A+ college paper interviewing Uncle Jim re: NOAA & his discovery of the QE2 sub...and the Princess Di bio from a Scholastic order, which is in the cellar. The rectangular navy Joe Camel bag w/ velcro flaps+black handle...when toy cars moved to bigger container & eventually before apparently losing/tossing the bag we removed the Joe patch & glued a magnet to the back. Now where tf did that go?

  11. TAMAGOTCHI/NANO/GIGA-PETS: Pink Komputer Koala Giga; orange Talking Nano-puppy+orange Nano-puppy; Pocket Puppy white dog-shaped one w/ black paws/ear; an orange one shaped like a hatching dinosaur or sumn; some actual eggshell Tamagotchi but can't be certain of colors; a translucent yellow-green Giga-lookin' one we still have. Wish the koala+black/white one were the same bc they ruled. Also very possibly the purple Giga Digital Doggie. *** 'Kay, 5 we have: Looney Tunes Giga, orange/blue nano-kitty, orange Talking Nano-puppy, orange hatching dino one (?), black/white/grey camo Tamagotchi:
    Muthafuggin' Tiger electronic handheld games...I know they kinda suck, avgn, but damn are they attractive. And ngl, my live-action 101 Dalmatians one is fun. Just saw new Power Ranger/Jurassic Park/Spiderman ones. And on Pinterest--holy hell, the glorious beauty of the Disney movie/cartoon ones & the Polly Pocket & the Tiny Toons & Space Jam &...ugh. Amazeballs.
    Yakbak (orange? purple? idk?)+Buzz Lightyear Screamer. Electronic password diary thing(s.) Mum's+Dad's pagers (still have. Hers lavender, his black.) Burning CDs, recording from radio, etc.


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