bittiest vent

 my niece deserves all the zillions of awesomazing things & 'speriences i've ever had


forte was right though. don't get attached to anyone or anything. i mean, you'll just end up fucking enraged at shit that poisons every glad thought. and that which appeareth not to suck, merely conealeth its suckage. (plecos being an ironic exception.) #lifeisacurse #deletetheworld #im2good4it 

while i despise sleep as an infernal waste of time, it's the only respite from an incessant state of incandescent rage. whatever would make sense and be best? that's not even close to how anything ever is, you big dumb cunt, fuck you :D :D



Especially within the past 20-25 years or so (and with one single exception within that time frame), the infliction of human life upon another (i.e. reproduction) is simply an act of cruelty.


  1. Little Ricki (second niece) is overstaying her due date. Smart kid already. Knows this world blows chunks, sucks ass, whomps, etc., and wishes not for it. L-:

  2. Things are only ever too good to be true, not the other way around. Pessimism is just realism and wisdom.
    As a being imprisoned in a humanoid form on Earth (against my will, naturally), I could never be so cruel as to inflict such an existence upon another. Simply try to make the most of it and enjoy it as much as possible. Which is difficult when even the things that seem not to suck turn out to suck, and that’s the cruelest bullshit of all. (And since I’ve every privilege in the book, I can’t even begin to imagine how it be for anybody else.) Never would’ve agreed to or asked for or signed up for any of this trash. But if you’re going to impose yourself as a burden or nuisance/annoyance to anyone who didn’t create you, or go out of your way to create a person for some unknown reason where there wasn’t one and thus willingly shoulder the responsibility of providing said person everything and anything s/he could ever possibly need or want in perpetuity…then your are evil and must be destroyed. Idk what else to tell you.
    Bodies are incredibly disgusting and illogical and I want nothing to do with them. They have the nerve to disobey your will, do all kinds of heinous things you don’t want but have little to no control over…require utterly insane amounts of colossally wasteful nonsense daily…are infinitely more trouble than they’re worth…
    Life is a curse. 24/7 it’s just observing how hopelessly far literally every single little thing and everyone is from what they ought to be. Pretty much opposite in most cases. Painfully few exceptions to all this. Constantly wishing the world, or at least humans, did not exist. For that would solve everything in the first place, nip it all in the bud. Everything would be wonderful, nothing would be wrong. But as it is, everything is abject shit and has only gotten just ever so much shittier. To the point of the past looking like absolute utopia. Now nothing and almost nobody is worth a damn.

    I weep incessantly for da chitlinz. And look at my brother & sister-in-law and think, “I could never.” (Babysitting and being a cool aunt who’s *like* a cool mom is as far as I’d care to go.) Wasn’t especially fond of kids even when I was one. Yet I still feel like an eternal one—not immature or incapable or anything, but just the same largely unchanged person forever who can barely grasp that her little bro, also still a kid, could be a parent. Impossible. Inconceivable. 😂 Nothing’s ever really changed. The 90s have never really ended. (And never will; for the sake of all that is not total shit the world should continuously loop through part of 2k+ and then spring back to the decades that had their own actual personality and aesthetic aside from “nostalgia/pining for the vastly superior time.”) Could go on and on ♾…

    1. *hem*
      Thank you.

  3. Going through Amazon's version of the all-time supreme Sears Wishbook. What have we here...
    Electronic educational shit vastly inferior to VideoSmarts (& ComputerSmarts), which should teach all the chitlins for all time.
    Pop Art Lite Brite: Cute but kinda rips off the Lisa Frank girl.
    Mini Brands: Cute but inferior to Kitchen Littles. Disney Store isn't what one should look like! (I.e. cool carpet, animatronics up top, big plush tower leading to big screen, awesome tubs of rubbery-plastic character figures, stories on cassette, limited-edition plates and lithographs, etc. etc. etc.)
    Some of the more recent Pollies are a bit better than the previous ones but still nowhere near the glorious magnificence of the 1989-2002 masterpieces.
    Just so many revolting ripoffs of good things, cheap clones of each other, direct knock-offs and takeoffs and copies and redundant minor variations...mediocre shit that reminds you of excellent shit...gazillion direct copies and wannabe imitations...many good girl names, many more atrocious ones...
    Rainbow High: Highly unnecessary version of the "each one is a different color" trope (so often well done.) And omg the skanky ghetto Barbies/mermaids/dolls with stripper names, keep them awaaayyy from the children.
    LOL Surprise: Firstly wtf is that name? Secondly...okay yes the little mall/diner/whatever with glass block, neon, chrome, vinyl, geometric patterns, and all that sexiness is awesome ofc. The hideous dolls themselves with that Bratz sluttiness and g2 LPS clones and all though...yick, ick, squick.

    1. And furthermore, my son…the LOL Surprise mall is really just a Melanie’s Mall ripoff with a cool design that’s worthy to be part of Mel’s. ~

  4. Humans are a blight that must be eradicated. Unsustainable species. Can't live without plastic, yet can no longer recycle it. Doomed to destroy itself. Nothing about this world is set up to allow for humans to exist well in it anyway, and certainly not in such insane numbers. Everything about it, both natural and manmade, is insufferably stupid. There seems to be no way for things not to suck for and due to humans. -_-

  5. Absolutely physically impossible things happen all the time--but of course only shitty ones. Shitty and mundane little impossible occurrences. I have no choice but to believe in the paranormal/supernatural and that nearly anything can happen at any time...which naturally is beyond horrifying...

  6. TRUTH: The delightful thought of human decimation/extinction is tempered by the tragic thought of how many other priceless, irreplaceable species could be taken down with them. (I don't count myself in with "humans" really, because if everyone were more like me there'd be no problems.) People already born basically have the right to do whatever they want; their existence isn't their fault, but being they're here they might as well enjoy it as much as possible. They don't owe anything to hypothetical, unnecessary "future generations." And there are very few good excuses for anyone anywhere to crap out a kid to whom they can't guarantee a great life. Parents are the only people who owe anybody anything and have willingly surrendered the right to simply do as they please--as they owe everything in perpetuity to the people they chose to create/force into the world.


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