pokemon survey

"favorite Pokemon/one you’d want as partner/jillion ways to ask same question”

Furfrou. But I have hundreds. Exhibit A | B | CD | E | F || also the second "survey" of course. I suppose the best for generally displaying favorites are probably that+the three videos, and the Flickr, although the other blog and board are invaluable as well.


“favorite starter(s)”

Litten, Fennekin. Of the other types perhaps Sprigatito, Popplio (or Froakie? Squirtle?)


“favorite regional variants”

Alolan Ninetales, Vulpix, Dugtrio, Muk, Grimer, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Exeggutor, Meowth, Raichu

Galarian Ponyta, Rapidash, Linoone, Zigzagoon, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Stunfisk, Weezing

Hisuian Voltorb, Electrode, Qwilfish, Avalugg, Typhlosion, Braviary, Sliggoo, Goodra


“favorite Hisuian”

See regional variants (top 8-10 of each.) Also Overqwil.


“favorite movie”
The first three, Mewtwo Returns (which I've always thought of as a movie), & Pokemon Heroes. Then #4, 9, 11, 15, 17... after rewatching: Still Mewtwo Returns+the first 3+Heroes (5), but then probably Diancie (17) & Power of Us (21.) Anything featuring my favorite legendary/mythical pokes naturally gets bonus points for that.


“favorite Eeveelution”

So hard, they’re all top-of-the-heap faves. Maybe Jolteon? Or Umbreon. Totally love Vaporeon, Glaceon, Leafeon, Espeon, Flareon, Sylveon…and of course, Eevee itself. As for additional types there oughta be, howsabout…all of ‘em! This ties into the “favorite type” question—to which I don’t have an answer tbh. Looking over my top faves reveals no predominant type(s), really; it’s a totally mixed bag. I feel drawn to lots…Poison, Ice, Fire, Dark, Psychic, Water, Electric, Grass…etc. Poison, Flying, or Fighting designs for Eeveelutions could probably be pretty awesome. Maybe Dragon. But then, every type could yield a sweet one. I had kinda similar thoughts re: other questions, e.g. “favorite middle/new evolution” or “which pokemon should evolve or have gigantamax forms?” Like, I’d always just have to refer to my favorites and point to ones that happen to be middle evolutions, or added-later ones, or the ones that don’t evolve or gigantamax because hopefully they’d do so most excellently.


“favorite duck”

Wanted to say Ludicolo, especially as I never thought of Porygon as a duck. But I suppose it’s close enough to have picked it.


“favorite legendary/trio of them”

#1: Suicune.

Trios (incl. former ones): Beasts; Aura (Zygarde/Xerneas/Yveltal), Legends of Galar (Zacian/Zamazenta/Eternatus), Forces of Nature (Tornadus/Landorus/Thundurus), Swords of Justice (Virizion/Cobalion/Terrakion), Titans (Regice!/steel/rock), Birds (Articuno/Moltres/Zapdos [Galarian varieties too]), Creation (Giratina/Dialga/Palkia), Tao (Reshiram/Kyurem/Zekrom), Light (Lunala/Solgaleo/Necrozma)

It was funny how at first they were calling the Beasts “legendary dogs,” when only Suicune looks like a dog…Entei is lionlike/feline and Raikou is obviously a sabertooth cat. So then they switched to “legendary cats” to cover 2/3, and finally to the vague but more appropriate “Beasts.”

Also like Regieleki, Regigigas, Regidrago, and I guess Enamorus even though it’s feckin’ weeeeiiirrrrd. xD

Oh yes, other non-trio legendaries: Cresselia, Chien-Pao, Chi-Yu, Wo-Chien, Tapu Fini/Lele/Koko/Bulu, Glastrier/Spectrier, Type: Null/Silvally, Cosmoem/Cosmog, Koraidon/Miraidon, Terapagos, Ho-oh, ofc Mewtwo…


“whom should ash marry when he gets older?”

Misty, if anyone known. The OG is the only one with multiple songs about being in love with him, and also just…the only one with iconic, representational, broad recognition. Was never a huge twerp fan/shipper, but yeah. ;p No subsequent ‘traveling companions’ had nearly the impact of the first two (and Tracey.) May & Dawn were okay? Cilan, Clemont & Bonnie, Lillie, Lana, etc…eh, most of ‘em are aiight…just irritating in different ways. x-p Guess Serena would be choice #2 for the question? [Having now seen XY: Naaah, she was annoying--and c'mon, no random crushing bitch gets to just swoop in that far into the series trying to usurp Misty's spot as the #1 most-likely future Ash gf/wife/whatever...;p I never cared all that much about the twerps but that kinda puts me more on Misty's side...] ~ ~ "favorite anime?" Obviously the best one: The Original Series (Indigo/Orange/Johto.) The OS wins for art style as well. Doesn't get better than that. RS+DP keep it, but the quality of drawing and animation (not to mention the voices, dub writing...) begins to decline. BW/XY style is nice--polished, shiny, makes a bit of neat cg usage. I wish B&C hadn't gone AWOL for those segments. Because the SM/JN style...oy. Everyone who'd previously appeared looks SO much worse--and surely everyone who appears only in the last two (sub)series would look better in OS style (or at least XY/BW), even if they look relatively good already. Detail, realism, beauty sacrificed for...what exactly? The pulling of a bunch of extreme, grotesque faces? OS is already PLENTY expressive and cartoony.


“favorite pseudo-legendary”

Dragonair, Metang, Dratini, Dragonite, Drakloak, Dreepy, Dragapult, Zweilous, Hydreigon, Deino, Jangmo-o, Kommo-o, Hakamo-o, Sliggoo, Goomy, Goodra…oops I included the ones from which the pseudos evolve


“favorite mythical”

Meloetta, Diancie, Keldeo, Shaymin, Mew


“favorite mega”

Manectric. Rank (gigantamax+UBs too)


“favorite dragon-type”

Dragalge. (attempted semi-decent ranking of 40 or so faves on the “Favorite Pokemon By Type” entry)


“favorite alcremie”

OMG! Gonna say…Mint Cream w/ Flower sweet. But I love ‘em all. Lemon & Matcha Cream, Rainbow Swirl. Ruby Swirl/Cream, Vanilla Cream, Salted Cream, Caramel Swirl. Berry, Star, Clover, Love, Ribbon, Strawberry sweets. Just keep matching those and then start again w/ the sweets since there are 7 of those and 9 of the flavors (not counting the grey/white shiny.)


“first game, spinoff, starter”

Think it was Red? And the starter was…Bulbasaur? Or Squirtle, to match my pillow? :x Tbh I was always more into Stadium, Colosseum, Snap, Pokemon themselves, the anime, trading cards, etc., than the mainline games. But my brothers did persuade me to actually play those original ones on the Gameboy. I remember boatloads of Zubat...xD


Pokenostalgia=car nostalgia

It all started in the back of our family…what was it at the time? 1998, so I was 11. Jeep Grand Cherokee, Aerostar, Land Rover? Something with rear-facing seats in back. I’m thinking Land Rover. Maybe Jeep. Man, I loved all three of those…especially the teal Aerostar and “Red Rocket” Jeep…Rover was silver… Anyway. ‘Cause that’s where I was as my little brother introduced me to Pokemon via the Official Player’s Guide. Started spotting favorites immediately. And the rest, as they say, is history…extremely long and storied history. ;u;


“which region would you want to live in/has comfiest vibe?”

I know they’re anime-only, but the Orange Islands stand out so much to me in terms of locations…I’m not even that much of a beach person or anything, but they do look rather paradise-like. And it was just within such a great time for the show and everything, peak Pokemania. I once even made travel brochures/website designs for them and Mateo’s glass shop. x-3 Suppose Alola’s similar.


Teams ranked?? (mainly according to objective)

Rocket, Flare, Galactic, Aqua[/Magma], Plasma, Skull, Yell, Star.


“how to improve journeys”

Well it contains my favorite episode, so I’d focus on that one (“The Good, the Bad, and the Lucky”)’s need to focus more on the Butch & Cassidy part—and also to show them together, married with children. ^-^


“may’s return?”

I’d love to revisit recurring “Ash show” characters one way or another at some point. (I’d also *like* to be able to see the epilogue and Horizons, but I’m American, so who knows whether that’ll even be this year? Oh well, I can follow along online for I fear no spoiler…)


“anime being confusing/weird?”

Overall the anime actually tends to make things more plausible, logical, believable, intuitive, etc. Pokedex entries are often full of random numbers that make no sense and other “yeah, that may sound cool but is obviously completely impossible nonsense” stuff. You can tell they were just making crap up…I mean, technically it’s all made up, but some things seem to have less thought put in than the rest. (They probably used game info as general guidelines, relative averages, and such, but couldn't possibly have stuck to all of it strictly...who knows whether the games even do...)


“trainer hats?”

I’d’ve been into that Team Rocket collection if it were actual uniforms/outfits instead of simple t-shirts and crap that just happen to have big red Rs. 8/ 


Mina (Tapu Fini) [lana tapu lele, acerola tapu bulu, hau tapu koko]
Roxie, Piers (Toxtricity)
Giovanni (Nidoking)
Lysandre (Volcanion)
Lusamine (Necrozma)
Cynthia (Kommo-o, Giratina, Lucario)
Elesa (Rotom)
Diantha (shiny Diancie)
Cyrus (Darkrai)
Gladion (Magearna)



*Pokemusic!! *Best characters+ships

(Iris would go...at the start of the last row I guess? Or with May/Dawn/Mallow bc personality-wise she's actually a bit better than the Serena/May/Dawn type...? Idkkkkk)


  1. "favorite shiny"
    Idk, somehow you'd think that these would be more exciting/impressive overall...lots look cool, sure, while others barely look any different. It seems as though later on (like from Alola onward) they started doing some better designs/color schemes for 'em, rather than just seeming to lay a metallic filter over most. It's really hard to pick a favorite/say which looks best. I wanna go with Bruxish or Obstagoon for the overall effect, creativity, coolness--for being a significantly different scheme instead of a subtle one that feels like a more natural variant that would realistically occur within a species anyway. These were some of the other bigger jump-outs:

    Dipplin/Hydrapple (dipped in what, caramel or butterscotch...?)
    Lemon-lime Galarian Ponyta/Rapidash, Flittle
    Peppermint Litten, Wimpod (Alola seems to dig peppermint)
    Peppermint Linoone/Zigzagoon
    Doggo Zygarde
    Amoonguss/Brute Bonnet
    Jangmo-o trio
    pawmi/mot, nymble, etc.

  2. "fave g1 bug?" Well oy vey, they're mostly pretty cute. Idk. I'm no Misty, bugs're cute. I like all buggy 'mons... x-} Paras(ect), Venomoth/nat, Weedle, Caterpie, Butterfree, Beedrill, Metapod, Kakuna, Scyther (which oddly 'nuff I've never thought of as a bug), Pinsir.


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