pokesurvey ii
okay not so much survey as, next time i see one of those "what's your favorite pokemon from [insert region?]" questions, i'll be prepared with rankings (kinda) of the top 40-75% or so, or whatever... #GOTTALOVEEMALL [second video here. +this blog's pokemon label (first survey with its links!) + yonder...] OH AND ALSO, THE REGIONAL-VARIANT FAVES AND A WHOLE LOTTA OTHER CRAP ARE IN SURVEY #1.
*g1/Kanto: Ninetales, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Vulpix, Flareon, Vileplume, Victreebel, Weepinbell, Exeggutor, Dragonair, Dugtrio, Porygon, Articuno, Ekans, Electrode, Bellsprout, Exeggcute, Sandslash, Arbok, Sandshrew, Gloom, Paras, Parasect, Seaking, Goldeen, Venomoth, Eevee, Zapdos/Moltres, Koffing, Cloyster, Oddish, Shellder, Voltorb, Venusaur, Kingler, Krabby, Dewgong, Wartortle, Charmeleon, Venonat, Ivysaur, Chansey, Tangela, Electabuzz, Rattata, Raticate, Hitmonchan, Seadra, Horsea, Kabuto, Magneton, Magnemite, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabutops, Squirtle, Gengar, etc., etc...'til they're all sorta-kinda ranked. ;p almost 40% but love 'em all.
*g2/Johto: suicune, umbreon, espeon, houndoom, houndour, phanpy, mantine, octillery, qwilfish, porygon2, natu, xatu, smoochum, magby, sudowoodo, forretress, hoppip, magcargo, slugma, corsola, remoraid, lanturn, girafarig, pineco, steelix, quilava, ampharos, typhlosion, elekid, jumpluff, piloswine, swinub, chinchou, azumarill, ho-oh, politoed, skiploom, misdreavus, togetic, bellossom, meganium...cyndaquil, chikorita, marill, etc. etc. etc. all of 'em. the spiders, owls/birbs, sheep, cute guys, just all. x'3 guess that's about my top half.
*g3/RS/Hoenn (~60%): manectric. electrike. mightyena. poochyena. whismur. regice. whiscash, barboach. cacturne, cacnea. altaria, swablu. swalot. seviper. roselia. gardevoir. kirlia. ralts. gorebyss, huntail. spoink. ludicolo. lotad. lombre. camerupt. numel. torkoal. castform. linoone. zigzagoon. sableye. seedot. breloom. shroomish. azurill. clamperl. luvdisc. carvanha, sharpedo. cradily, lileep. relicanth. corphish, crawdaunt. feebas. sceptile. grovyle. treecko. metang. dustox. masquerain. beautifly. surskit. wurmple. cascoon/silcoon. trapinch. vibrava. zangoose. claydol. illumise, volbeat. anorith, armaldo. tropius. snorunt, glalie. lunatone, solrock. shedinja, ninjask, nincada. duskull/clops. walrein, sealeo, spheal.
*g4/DP/Sinnoh (lil' over top half): glaceon. leafeon. gastrodon. shellos. carnivine. rotom. mantyke. shinx. luxray. luxio. torterra. grotle. cherubi. roserade. glameow. porygon-z. finneon. lumineon. cresselia. staraptor. chatot. staravia. combee. bonsly. mothim. bronzor. chingling. spiritomb. drapion. skorupi. snover. abomasnow. drifloon. wormadam. burmy. drifblim. gallade. bronzong. magnezone. mismagius. happiny. tangrowth. electivire. magmortar. empoleon etc. pachirisu. yanmega. togekiss. buizel. honchkrow. floatzel. froslass. dusknoir. giratina. regigigas, dialga, etc.
*g5/B&W/Unova (top ~60%): liepard. purrloin. maractus. stoutland. herdier. lillipup. eelektross. eelektrik. basculin. stunfisk. alomomola. tynamo. simipour & co. gothitelle. gothorita. meloetta. jellicent. frillish. amoonguss. foongus. unfezant. tranquill. vanilluxe. vanillite. vanillish. cryogonal. chandelure. litwick. lampent. scolipede. venipede. whirlipede. excadrill. drilbur. heatmor. sawsbuck. deerling. ferrothorn. ferroseed. virizion. cobalion. keldeo. mandibuzz. munna. musharna. dwebble. crustle. joltik. galvantula. klinklang. klink. klang. zweilous. hydreigon. deino. volcarona. larvesta. serperior. servine. snivy. cofagrigus. yamask. sigilyph. tornadus. landorus. thundurus. roggenrola. gigalith. boldore. lilligant. archen. archeops. duosion. reuniclus. solosis. mienshao. braviary. rufflet. swanna. ducklett. sandile. krokorok. krookodile. elgyem. beheeyem. druddigon. sawk. kyurem. cinccino. samurott. escavalier. accelgor.
*g6/XY/Kalos (~60%): furfrou. sylveon. zygarde 10%. fennekin. braixen. delphox. dragalge. skrelp. gourgeist. trevenant. pumpkaboo. phantump. malamar. inkay. vivillon. florges. xerneas. bergmite. avalugg. diancie. carbink. clauncher. clawitzer. aurorus. amaura. talonflame etc. aegislash etc. klefki. sliggoo. goomy. helioptile. heliolisk. goodra. spritzee.
*g7/SM/Alola (~top 3/4): {pheromosa, xurkitree, blacephalon, nihilego, stakataka, poipole, naganadel, kartana, celesteela, buzzwole, guzzlord} bruxish. lycanroc. litten. morelull. shiinotic. oricorio. tapu fini/lele. wimpod. golisopod. wishiwashi. mareanie. toxapex. toucannon. trumbeak. pikipek. charjabug. lurantis. comfey. minior. turtonator. type: null. jang/haka/kommo-o. silvally. crabominable. crabrawler. mudsdale. mudbray. primarina. brionne. palossand. sandygast. araquanid. dewpider. cosmoem. cosmog. lunala. fomantis. vikavolt. rockruff. popplio. dhelmise. pyukumuku. decidueye. dartrix. komala. drampa. salandit. bounsweet.
*g8/S&S/Galar (~top 3/4): eiscue. arrokuda. barraskewda. basculegion. overqwil. centiskorch. sizzlipede. alcremie. falinks. zacian. boltund. zamazenta. appletun. applin. flapple. toxtricity. obstagoon. inteleon. drizzile. gossifleur. frosmoth. copperajah. cufant. grapploct. clobbopus. pincurchin. silicobra. sandaconda. snom. regieleki. regidrago. glastrier. spectrier. toxel. stonjourner. rolycoly. coalossal. carkol. corviknight. corvisquire. rookidee. drednaw. eldegoss. scorbunny. sinistea. polteageist. milcery. dreepy. drakloak. dragapult. runerigus. cursola. eternatus. enamorus. impidimp & co. cinderace. dottler. orbeetle. blipbug. hattena. sirfetch'd. dracovish & co. kleavor. calyrex, wyrdeer, etc. etc.
*g9/s&v/paldea (60%): espathra. flamigo. flittle. tandemaus. maushold. wugtrio. wiglett. dondozo. tatsugiri. veluza. chi-yu, chien-pao, wo-chien. smoliv. dolliv. dipplin. dachsbun. fidough. houndstone. greavard. nacli. toedscool. toedscruel. finizen. orthworm. terapagos. glimmora. glimmet. revavroom. varoom. fezandipiti. squawkabilly. bombirdier. ceruledge. armarouge. charcadet. brambleghast. bramblin. farigiraf. sprigatito (etc.) koraidon. miraidon. cyclizar. spidops. tarountula. nymble. lokix. quaxly (etc.) brute bonnet & co./irons.
-best nonhumanoid prim8s: simipour & family, oranguru, passimian, zarude, g/t/r, meditite (never considered it but i guess yeah...i like the meringuey-ness of its head xD)(j)
p.s. irrelevant but,, BEST DINOS=LAND BEFORE TIME, WE'RE BACK, HARRY & HIS BUCKETFUL OF 'EM, GIGANTOSAURUS (& fantasia, dino dan, 3d adventure/slater & charlie, jurassic park, barney & the juice box holder & everything, every [good] dinosaur[s] from everywhere...)
etc. ^w^
And furdermore my son, the other very best-looking dragons are, of course, the Raya/Sisu type, and the MLP:FiM ones like Ember, Smolder, Fume, etc.
*remembering trying to draw an Ice-type Eeveelution that basically looked like a Regice dog, and then along came G4 with Glaceon* xD I called it Sibereon. :p Then drew beside it, for random shitzengigz, a Borzoi in the same style, but pink and green...a watermelon Tourmazoi. And then all the hilariously horrible gross stuff I drew/wrote because I was indulging in "boy-style" humor, nooooo...egads. The decision to keep almost everything from the school years is necessary and wonderful yet awful. x_x