ye olde nostalgic rambling pt. iii

This one's to continue on from the first two...I'd like pt. IV to intertwine with marking down favorite photos and such album by album, emphasizing things in them of which they themselves reminded me...

    ~BESTESTEST GAMES: {!AgdOi37dNFecvRajtYCRX6jFZuL-?e=DOpEkF} Clue, Parcheesi, Life, Mouse Trap, Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur**, Monopoly, Pokemon Master Trainer, Dream Phone, Mall Madness, Scrabble, Trouble, chess, Battleship, Jumanji, Trivial Pursuit, the Are You Afraid of the Dark one I had, Arthur Goes to the Library, I Love Lucy and AKC DVD board games, Beethoven's 2nd Puppy Round-Up...etc. (Mario Party! xD) Channel Surfing, Make-a-Scene (though I didn't use it as a game. ;) 🎲♟️guess who - hands down - connect 4 - crossfire - *thin ice - *forbidden bridge - *knockout (w/ the amazing clear blocks that remind me of teaching teddy's letter blocks) - perfection - pretty pretty princess - shark attack - mr bucket - elefun - melvin - don't wake daddy/dragon - operation - hippos! - don't break the ice/cooties - gator golf - splat - grape escape - FLIPSIDERS! - jenga - fraidy cats -yeti in my spaghetti/set go - dizzy dryer - eat at ralph's - 13 dead end drive - cookie cop - ask zandar - pizza party - mastermind - wild webber - stack-a-saurus - loopin' louie - back off buzzard - looney tunes smush'em, pass the trash, othello, mystery mansion, piranha panic, bedbugs, tornado rex (taz ripoff) **WHAT A BOARD! but once again orange+purple are like "eff us right?"; bncssundancekid status 874531545108893697 + 1093431813433974784
    ~LOOKIN' @ "100 YRS OF HASBRO" MONOPOLY (lotta repeats from games above): 90s Littlest Pet Shop+cartoon OFC. Original Clues+Guess Who. Hands Down, Ouija, Twister. Whoonu, Thin Ice, Don't Break the Ice, Connect 4. Chicken Limbo! Operation (& Perfection.) Bop-It, Tinker Toys, Lite Brite, Furby. +Match Game/Pyramid DVDs, Scattergories, Imaginiff, Mad Gab, Disney Scene It, Scrabble, (Pokemon) Sorry, Yahtzee, Uno, Tri-Ominos, Domino Rally, Perler beads, Etch-a-Sketch, etc. Playing Candyland in Viewtopia Falls. FGN game show on Hub. Fred's little green army men, barrel o' monkeys; also that pen+my Boggle pen. I=Pink Ranger (but also love Yellow. Or better still I'll be Orange or Purple.) || Saving these pinterest captions bc I swore they'd all vanished, but now 2/3 are infuriating that your captions on pins that you didn't upload yourself can just randomly disappear. Tens of thousands of pins, many captions extremely important...mood=homicidal. Remembering some fun old games w/ cool boards/pieces, ads/jingles, etc. "cont. on thin ice" ALAS THE THIN ICE ONE IS GONE, FUCK YOU PINTEREST WHAT THE ACTUAL GODDAMN HELL ;_; || EVERY GREAT GAME/EDITION EVER

    📚 MOAR READS: Slaughterhouse-Five! Hatchet. Life in the Fat Lane (Cherie Bennett.) XD On the Road, Travels With Charley, etc. That rectangular softcover blue book re: fish/oceans with the incredibly gorge Purple Tang photo (did I cut it out & have it on my door for a time? Like I've the yellow tang now?) OH DAD POOR DAD MAMA'S HUNG YOU IN THE CLOSET AND I'M FEELIN' SO SAD. Herriot's Dog Stories w/ red Collie cover. Dorian Gray, Importance of Being Earnest, Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. (WAoVW?+LM+other field trip shows.) KvK. Kings (TS/PS/etc.)

Everything across me pins/grimmages, tweets, all other pics/lists/vids. Full House talking Michelle doll. ;D Some babies (e.g. "Baby Grows," 1988 Oopsie Daisy, maybe Wanna Walk?) Magic Slate(s.) Barbie giant coloring book+pjs. cuddly cuties notebooks/folders, the stuart hall dalmatian photo ones--still got (hopefully) all mine! Little Tikes Playground: tunnel, slides either side, big spaceship/sub window--very familiar, yet I don't think we had it, so where was it? (Little Tikes shit=the shit. Inflatable/water slide, sand/water, kitchen, workshop, playset/role-play/appliance/shopping+bidniss stuff, playhouse, swings, ride-ons/vehicles, waffle blocks, sports...the ice cubes in the fridge! x-3) White seashell nightlight? ceramic 2-pc puppy-shaped food/water bowl. NatGeo Really Wild Animals. Esmeralda pjs. Plastic California Raisin (candy cane.) Goody barrettes, spokey-dokeys. Tonka dump truck. Cozy doghouse frame magnet, "World's Greatest Pet Honored" newspaper one. Old neighbors' old dogs (Boxer duo, Ulla's Jack Russell friend who'd race along the fenceline w/ her, the yappy Peke we'd peer at over the fence...) Take-Ur-Kid-2-Work Days @ the bank! Key Club Peanut Day/Lyons Club. Fred's yellow moped-shaped bike. Sesshoumaru ironed-on shirt. That Pokemon live stage show. wooden desktop bowling, pimps playing. many priceless photo-class projects contain much b&w beauty including my precious hs locker. Hoops & Yo-Yo + other funny e-cards. 

r.c. steele pet supplies was also bought by petsmart--I'd actually forgotten that one. mall jeans getting me the free tropic thunder ticket. that time a few of us sang 'i don't want to miss a thing' on the bus back from someplace for some reason. all the many many trillions of memories. rooting for teachers in student-teacher basketball. pta talent shows @ hehnly w/ mum, me wanting to to do the vitameatavegamin skit despite the comedy being alcohol-based. the fundamental barking dog treat jar. ;D moon shoes. rabbit's foot key chain. stamp markers, color-changing ink shit. Garfield, Simba, milk carton, any other Happy Meal toys that ain't still in me bag. Fred's dog book w/ breed section in back (I remember just what it looked like, where'd it get to?!) Ma's white container of mauve+dusty-blue rubber bendy-noodle hair curlers. Other photos from Sprint LG sliding phone (e.g. us on fireplace w/ me holding Ullie, car parked so satisfyingly at Kean...and on the street behind Northern Lights Salon, tho that's not from that phone...also maybe Ulla and Bluey in the yard by the fence?) Photobucket videos I made with all the lady-doggos (set to Brass in Pocket, Bitch, Hips Don't Lie, Check On It, etc.), and the Idiot Friends one involving more of my general characters. The AYAotD one set to Hero? Frosty mug with transparent window and gold metal train tracks above/below it. Lollipops w/ raised white features.

Wild West City! Our singing wall bass (did we pick it up in a drugstore in a mall somewhere?) Hanging with one Heather two houses down on either side (Long’s pool, biking with the other & appearing in the corner mansion’s backyard while ladies were lounging xD) Dad's birthday book. ^~ Glitter wands, squishy liquid-filled tubes with glitter+plastic bead thins.


schnow hwhite & the schfifty-five dwarfs, peter pantyhose/peter gay. emmy ozmo & fam, evil binky, woozee, onchicono, woochicono, the poodie & bezel show, sparkle & the man-woman+sequel, woofer biscuits, mechanical hens, we've been through turbu, chumpy & cheese, cinderella ii shit, hns/dog stuff, website designs, catalogs, posters, cards, 'those who shall kill adiboo on the glorious day,' vhs box/cd case inserts for movies+albums that ought to be, print shop-made/typed shit, edits, fanwurx, extremely long stories involving all of us and characters, match game panelists+gene, pokemon, itw, "inside jokes," etc. to infinity...truly endless, thousands of papers. dancing widow & ever so many other poems/songs. my solos, ones w/ fred. (the kenilworths! tour my room, lake placid, i bet you can't, so on forevanev.) pood's fam tree. leash lady. examples could truly go on forever. brilliant lists as i continue to make all the time. absolutely inestimable priceless visual and literary masterpieces, from early childhood through college & beyond. all this kinda stuff i've already listed numerous times (e.g. 1/28/24 comment on "Hallepoodjah" sassysaluki 10/7/23, 12/14/20+3/29/21 comments on pt. i, bottom of pt. ii...) 


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