ymrt II
CARDS! || didnee store stuff || stuff that's in 'webshots' ||
Victorian-house bag clip set from National Wholesale Liquidators. Grandma's cool bowls/pots w/ lil' mushrooms & whatnot, veggie-printed pot set, spoon rests w/ wooden utensils and dried herb thingies/plants suspended inside. Eggplant-shaped scrub brush. Playground next to grandma mary/grandpa fred’s home. pretty blue/green neon seahawks lamp. inflatable lime chair+pillow. "i wish i were a cheerleader" video+pompoms. Pumpkin/gourd napkins. Plastic turkey/shamrock bowls from stone-floor balloons-behind-counter Linden shop. toon jelly jars (down to 1/4 Tom-&-Jerrys, also had looneys/pokemon ;; ) Sheet sets/pillowcases--rainbow, vintage pups/kitties, pood dreamin' o' poods, oliver & co., crayola (w/ matching two-sided crayon pillows, have the red/blue & think the other was green/yellow, plus the green bank), etc. (BEST VALANCE=LIFESAVERS-IN-THE-CLOUDS.) Plaster Palace painted projects--Victorian house, horse/unicorn head. ALL realistic plastic/toy food incl. the hard plastic pickle trio (why only the flexible rubber trio remains?) OH so much of that excellence. Grandma's & my thieving selves possibly being the reason Sears & other department stores quit putting awesome plastic food in their display fridges...the prank we pulled on Pa, making him think the bread had gone incredibly stale incredibly quickly. XD White ceramic watering can w/ ~3 painted flowers, blue accents. Some poster/magazine-style Scholastic booklets of pop culture (included some female pop/rock stars, tv/movie dogs; purple cover[s?]) Issue(s) of some dog/cat/animal magazine with cat breeds (got me started on learning them), Sally Jessy Raphael article, dog name ideas (Buttercup the golden pup.) Hot pink Minnie bubble wand--big circular one w/ Minnie-shaped handle+lots of heart openings. Hound-group magnet from 1st dog show attended as spectators (got the multibreed tapestry bag there too.) Our ceramic Bernard+Bianca. Plastic bowling set. Humidifier "aquarium" w/ plastic Flounder floating. Fred's cowboy/Indian fort (Fort Apache?) That great true-ghost-story book Sylvia lent. the pretty aquarium background sheets. giant yellow simpsons cast poster. Me lucky rabbits' feet. glass mushroom-lid (red w/ white spots) jar. o_o napkin holders: ceramic yellow/purple/blue/pink spotted fish, bead-covered sandcastle w/ seashell salt+pepper shakers. Tiered wooden Easter tower w/ candle-propelled spinning. Frosted mug w/ transparent window+gold railroad track.
Plush: TURKEY THE TURQUOISE DOG, Connie the koala. (Fred’s Figment?) Turkey the sit-up pup w/ black dots on his muzzle & I think connected paws, was so particularly unique & adorable. Pound Puppy quartet litter in yellow kennel box. My little plush Copper from FatH VHS, & K-9 from 6 Flags. “4 squares of chocolate” realistic thick rubber key chain. That one carnival w/ Mum+Granma where I tried harder than anyone's ever tried anything to win a goddamn raspberry-magenta Dalmatian plush the color of dark pink/red dragonfruit. Braided/woven-rubber key chains. Best garden ornaments: Squirrel pair (fave was lying down, other sitting up. Always in shed window box w/ cardinal on stump.) Whiskey the mini-Schnauz (Was there another? We have the Beag...perhaps a Bulldog or something? Maybe? Idk.) Stone sculpted mushroom cluster--blue w/ yellow or white spots? The puppy journal--horizontal rectangle w/ watercolor-style doggies on purple cover. Looked like (maybe was?) a Carl the Rottweiler book. Those round Ritz cracker- and Cheerio-shaped plastic fresh-keeper things! Apple-picking ceramic bear photo frame; blue (picnicking?) bear frames for the boys' name-poems (a la my green dog one.) Light-up window bunny+heart outlines. Leprechaun mug (body was mug, arm was handle--alas that broke off. One with dangling green velvet legs & ceramic shoes, like that snowman which also may have vanished?) Yellow/blue/pink egg stakes. Book that was solid brown bc I removed the jacket, & answered questions re: why dogs do this & that. Tropical fish sticky note cube (from O'Johnnie's...wondrous beautiful place that gave us *Sandicast* and other ceramic & glass figurines, snow globes, Beanies, key chains, bookmarks, etc.) Elementary school book where we had to illustrate What a Wonderful World (maybe based on an actual book w/ a white cover w/ trees/roses/2 people & very childlike drawings? Or was that ours? xD) The publication of my horrible poem re: a park. My ovular London pillbox w/ the double-decker bus lid+gold base (from Woodworth for playing Miss Winnie in The Curious Savage.) The way some Hehnly tables had one long seat in red or green or yellow or blue (think?), and some had the individual blue circles--superior bc separate. beauty & the beast magnets--possibly of mrs potts/chip, lumiere, cogsworth? that kind made of separate rubber bits? Those in general? Scanner TV guides, TV guide channel. <3 My magazine subscriptions=Dog Fancy/World, AKC Gazette, Aquarium Fish USA/International.
Big Kool-Aid Man given to me by the awesome Foodtown dude. Royce McClure reef/dolphin scene from 3D cup. That one toy I picked from the boy aisle @ Bradlees...like a Lego floating marine bio platform w/ a big round window and dolphin or shark or something...some kind of cage/bars...Idk. daisy tissue box, omg that was one of the all-time best designs!! And the one with the lemons among the dark leaves and shit...and ofc that pumpkin/gourd-printed one where I taped a tissue to my door for a long time bc it was so gorge. wavy vertical coral-reef lamp from Liberty Science Center. The missing CD from my mysterious free Chinese set...the instrumental one with the green cover that had a music box or perfume bottle or something on it, and Jess and I both recognized the first track but couldn't place it...AURGH, you'll NEVER find that again. Dx drive-in where we saw Muppets in Space+Space Cowboys double feature? Translucent turquoise Jeep boombox/radio/cassette player. Troll w/ neon orange hair+hot magenta tunic Bucholz made me buy. Finger-balancing yellow/white/black/grey birdie. 3D windmill puzzle I assembled quickly the Xmas morn I received it while listening to new spongebob CD+Celine Xmas. Flamingo trinket box. Green “how to be better test-taker” book. Fred’s big book of cutaways, and his dog breed book from Pet Valu. Darkish green book of yard games/projects (big dominos and stuff?) And a black one of magic tricks I think mayhaps. RYBG sporknives. Bookmarks: black lab (or flattie? no lab--dubbed Fletcher) splashing along shore toward you, bordered by red patterned areas. the one i rediscovered as an address label w/ the dogs in the convertible. barnum & bailey/ringling bros pink elephant water-globe wand. telescoping neon plastic sword souvenirs. red Mickey/pink Minnie/green Goofy full-figure accordion-type straws, the jack-o'-lantern+bat mini-spoon-on-the-end ones, yadda yadda. (White Snoopy+yellow Woodstock-face fun straw pair!) All spoon straws, bendy/twisty/loopy ones, Mickey-face ones. The text-to-speech site with the wizard character who'd speak-sing songs in a highly unique, eternally memorable fashion (particularly The Banana Boat Song [Day O] & I Think We're Alone Now...xD) My BEAUTIFUL transparent sunnies with the yeller happy faces all over. The Disney quiz book & great red softcover storybook collection. Those carnival-prize-style neon fish w/ furry stripes that also hung in Samonte's office+visible on Jumanji toy shelves. What in the recent fuck happened to my River's Edge Airstream light string and the pink flamingo one? Shittons of Teletubbies. Yikes pencils.
· sit-upons in gloria havens' music class (the Danse Macabre video for halloween, peter & the wolf, the awesome orchestra section instrument posters, the "America the Beautiful" ones above the blackboard.) silva's science cart, mr. t's "art" class and the steer skull i loved, tie-dying outside, field days (winning!) paul bunyan, babe, charlie brown, snoopy in APR ("all-purpose room," the cafeteria/auditorium...like kumpf.) blue+yellow scooters, parachutes. BIG FAT THE TOWN-CRUSHING LIBRARY CHICKEN PUPPET. THE SEXY SWISS-ARMY-KNIFE-STYLE PENCIL CASES W/ POP-OUT TOOLS AND SQUISHY FOAM MAGNETIC COVERS. THE "TEN IN THE BED" GAME WITH RAINBOW PLASTIC BEARS. picking up absent-day work in office. getting "i-got-caughts" for doing good things, dropping them in the i-got-caught fishy bin. big map on wall (Carmen Sandiego!), painting of cute Victorian-style cottage-house in front of stairwell. book-a-trip around the world' reading program. #BookIt #IgotCaught Plaid Sandicast dog bed. Pooka. Dory squeeze-light. Fuzzy white dice. Purple foam-covered baseball bat w/ black handle. z-windup key chains with dolphin, dalmatians inside. Scholastic book order forms and book sales (would always buy lots of cool books and other stuff...such as flowers and the encased roses for Grandma that the boys would also buy, the fish-flying/swimming-in-forest folder, my neon puppies multicolor pencil, my first Spice Girl book...the Leo DiCaprio book--LOL) Red heart cookie cutter set, plastic fruit ice cubes & cube trays/molds. Classic chicken timer, tomato pincushion, etc. Fiber-optic cactus lamp, fake-flame torch. "...cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza, peanut butter and jelly, or salad platter. How many people want...?" (you'd stand up or raise your hand to order the day's lunch of your choice. I almost always brought. Ma was always sending bloody egg salad and tuna, lol. The pizzas, PB&J, and salad platter were available every day. I remembering ordering cheese pizza and salad on occasion. The kid taking the tallies would read off of the day's strip and mark down the numbers by each one.)
3 mini lamps—mine being cream
ceramic w/ pink bouquet, cream shade...another was dark brown. Cubic storage
table covered in squares, each having a pyramid or something in center. The
Aragona science videos...Man-Hands who waits for no man, "Let's find the
answer," etc. Vinyl-ish rainbow patchwork doggo. Black "hot
pink+white skulls" purse. Bookcase dog’s slipper tray. Waiting room toys
w/ beads sliding along metal tracks. my neon yellow/green super soaker, our
nerf shit. Loverly wooden alphabet blocks. Rubber lemon+lime wedges air
freshener. shiny sky-blue mickey kid's jacket. character straws & erasers
& jelly-jar cups & mugs. yellow & blue chunky knit quilts? Fishy
comforters, goldfish pillow? Ma’s other mandee dress? Kokopelli red/white/blue
clay earring, purple/red/yellow/green thermometer, two trivets (one w/ pueblos
@ night), etc. two kind of nugger--chick'n, pretz??? Kendo+irish dance vids? Perky
Perkins waitress. “Faded flamingos?” Inflatable duckling, chick. my trusty
decked-out multi-speed cobalt/royal-and-black beauty of a Schwinn that was just
so absolutely perfect, easily the coolest bike available. (second was the
previous kiddie pink one.) Also my royal-blue+black (just like the Schwinn)
scooter-type honda motorcycle. Blue/black cordless phone w/ circular charging
base. Rubber squeezy coin purse key chains, esp shiny royal blue; leather/metal
ones. Blue stingray dog toy w/ raised circle/dots on back; Big Dogs beer can. ALL
our *many* Pipsqueak Productions products. the author(s) who visited hehnly and i got the autographed picture book about monsters, the also-signed 4-photo-cover one about figure skaters from the sports writer (had another booklet-style one w/ big color pics)...a Diana biography from some school sale... "WOLVES" SOFTCOVER PICTURE BOOK AND ANYTHING ELSE IN THE 3 "NOSTALGIC RAMBLING" ENTRIES THAT I'M NOW UNSURE WHY WASN'T PULLED OUT FOR THE TWO "YMRT" ONES, CONSIDERING THEY'RE FOR THE STUFF I NEED TO FIND...?
1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y5BU_lSSeHBHypQCe11RWaBYayTy3_bc/view?usp=drive_link
ReplyDelete2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19y-xylAAySvR_vH4NGOgAfBucXRtGlyR/view?usp=drive_link
3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SHMaSahM58NyYzE3UdR9kYLDqV0IQo4E/view?usp=drive_link
Valentina: unidentified 'white poodle w/ ribbon'; standing, red w/ white hearts on neck, pink lace bow w/ red+pink ribbons on each ear
Gloria: Holy shit, she's a plum not a grape...my whole life is a lie...well she & Fred's lemon & Joe's watermelon=Woodland Bear Co. (Shockingly Mr. Lemon isn't showing up)
Corgi (Caprice): Chosun Windsor Collection
Sheltie/Collie: 1994 International Teddy Bear Co.
Sussex/Cocker mom+pup: E&J Prima Classic Collection (big Beag probably also E&J Classic)
Red Bulldog: Shalom
White Bulldog: Looks like probably Prestige. OMG he's supposed to be a Shar Pei! 1985 PRESTIGE TOY CORP.
Siamese cat: Probably 1986 Dakin
Copper from the Fox & the Hound VHS release
K-9: Marvin Martian's dog, Six Flags, standing
Liz the Magic School Bus chameleon
2001 Burger King Squidward in tub
Hershey Bar (but not pink Kiss)
Purple-eared yellow + red-eared green artist dogs from In the Company of Dogs are absolutely impossible to find
Same with floral-patterned ear of corn and the little brown chicken w/ the white stripe...:'-x
Also not exactly: the walking barking Dalmatian on lead, 101 Dalmatian face pillow (but Mr. Potato Head, Squirtle, Gengar, Wubbzy, SpongeBob findable), brown bobblehead shepherd (DeSoto), giant snakes
Bobblehead Beagle (also flocked)--pretty close ones if not precise
Chihuahua w/ black collar
Gold+white seal/sea lion w/ blue ball (Goldie)
Orange crab (Clancy? Clarence? Probably Clancy for Brown...)
White terrier w/ brown markings
Valentine white doggy w/ red ears, nose, paw pads, tail, collar
Kromfohrlander mom+pups (hard material covered w/ the stiff fur) from Hotel Hershey, I think
IKEA owl findable; big greyish moose doesn't turn up exactly (Fajita & yellow/red/blue camels even more impossible to find)
(Turkey, Connie, Dalmatian, yellow smiley, brown pup w/ sock from bedroom pic, any of the infinite loads of others whether in a photo or not)
--> Pinterest (~50 boards atm. beanie, books, lf, lps, polly, pokemon, pone, pimpage, piller petz, webkinz, skwish, ormanent, fukno, the 6 general awesome-shit ones, et. al.)
--> Miscellanyinsaney (2/13/24, the whole nostalgia label)
--> Sassysaluki (labels lf, lps, mlp, animals, spotify, disney)
ReplyDeletetransparent lisa frank cardholder thing (soft plastic w/ random heart/flower/"cool word" kinda design.) the cards ofc (literal end of world 'til they're found.) ye olde harvest scarecrow decal. cups (mcclure, b&tb, xmas/tropical target critters.) cream bunny sans egg. clown surgeon + any other magnets. my real preserved pufferfish w/ straw hat. straw bag. yellow platform sandal, black sneaker, whatevs. pokemon 1st+3rd movie VHS. polly pocket car. chip & dale figures. peaches + picasso i. yankee cider jug tart warmer + red/white tealight martini glass. white teapot w/ crazerasers. all beanies marked on that original full-size pic. autumn kitty sweatshirt. 2 bracelets (cuff style, made of multiple jeweled metal ovular semi-rings.) caged pearl pendant. squeaky rubber doggy burger; rubber baby buggy bumpers. all my diplomas except ucc + the ones in the photo cabinet, & ulla's championship certificate w/ 'em. "presh mo' joe?" my mojo. (from old phone note: precious moments pups, green tulip bouquet; sparkle + the manwoman pts i + ii. :b ;p) rubber pirate duckie, wtf!!!!! yankee candle cookbook, grrr.