Doug - green w/ dark brownish-black hair
Skeeter - teal-green w/ same kinda hair as Doug
Al & Moo - very light blue w/ blonde hair


Judy - dark purple w/ red hair
Roger - neon green w/ red hair (and his mom's got the awesome fuchsia hair--dem ponies have such excellent genes]

Connie - light, bright green w/ indigo-purple hair
Chalky - yellow-green w/ mint green hair
Boomer - orange w/ bright green hair


Patti - either blue or pink w/ blonde hair...probably the blue w/ pink dots cutie mark, and skin tone in there somewhere
Beebe - lavender w/ red hair
Willie - tan-gold w/ dark purple hair
Ned - light whitish-pink ("basic Caucasian skin color") w/ the auburnish hair
Larry - pink w/ like, no hair xD

Hey Arnold pone
HA on DA

photobucket after having to remove most of it after 16 years or so and put it on the way less satisfactory google photos...all the hundreds (thousands?) of gorge created ponies & brilliantly ponified characters I did are ofc in there (esp. in the iku/pl sections)
a list o' pone:

Coconut Cream
"Cotton Sky"+daughter (+ "Winter Lotus")
Limestone Pie
Sunset Shimmer
Starlight Glimmer
Fleur de Lis
Sassy Saddles
Lemon Hearts
Apple Brown Betty
Peachy Sweet
Lightning Dust
Golden Harvest
Strawberry Sunrise
Cherry Jubilee
Torch Song
Pursey Pink
Perfect Pie
Lady Justice
Vapor Trail
Prim Hemline
Dewdrop Dazzle, Honeybuzz, Electric Sky, Magnet Bolt, Cherry Pie, Cherry Berry, Candy Apples, Diamond Rose, Diamond Mint, Plumsweet, Lavender Fritter, Lulu Luck, Fleetfoot, Florina Tart, Tropical Storm, Rainbow Flash, Stella Lashes, Cherry Spices, Green Jewel, Vidale Swoon, Blueberry Curls, Ruby Splash, Apple Fritter, Hollydash, Roseluck, Flower Wishes, Lily Valley, Apple Honey, Caramel Apple, Lilac Links, Sea Swirl, Berry Dreams/Punch...Feathermay+all toys 

||| see bottom of 9/13/22 7:11 am comment  x-}|||



    AND WHEN WE THINK ABOUT YOU.............

  2. ‘MAGINATION MOVERS: Uffle-fluffs=Amaryllis’ and Fiona’s material. Best mover=Scott. Best character=Uncle Knit Knots who deserved better. Their drum room contains our beautiful orange non-Apple pepper cutting board plus the other colorful produce ones from that Target set. Guess we got it between ‘08 & ‘11. Mother’s Day ep one of best. “We Can Work Together”=best song. Warehouse Mouse=adorable. Giant phone book hilare. Cafe awesome. “The Diana” and other good single-ep characters.   Like Oksana+Boris, etc. 

    1. More D+-watchin' thoughts.
      Georges of the jungle are cute, for a Tarzan ripoff. T.O.T.S.=so cute but make it make sense! Junior fliers...okay, so they work together...but Pip will eventually need a vehicle to fly alone. All the storks are mature adults who fly AND navigate. Pip & Freddy must get paid half the amount of a stork or it'd be more efficient to just hire two more storks instead, to deliver twice the babies in the same amount of time. How can you entrust newborns to employees too young/immature/inexperienced/unintelligent to be capable of the standard method? | *Rewatching Darkwing Duck: SO much wonderful BLT (Brave Little Toaster) flavor in a couple Megavolt eps, & "Revolution in Home Appliances" is a fave. Forgot about that connection here & in Bonkers. Binkie's design reminded me a tad of Sunni the gummi bear. xD The Elvis parody is great, I cannot believe Jambalaya Jake's catchphrase is "GA-RON-TEE," Splatter Phoenix rules (though dogs playing poker are anything but mundane! ;) most of the villains, the shrooms, and precious SPIKE. 8'-} Morgana may be related to Magica? xD

    2. ~Quack Pack--also lots of other-cartoon references/allusions, like most of these shows...incl. a lotta Looney/Tiny Toon stuff (e.g. the Babs toy xD) One of 'em had the Berenstain Bears' Xmas Tree snowman gag, and Papa's hat seemed to appear in TaleSpin.
      ~TaleSpin--Forgot he called her "Ree-becca." o.O Molly looks kinda like Sunni. Third instance of the "misunderstand doctor & think somebody's dying" plot. And more body-swappin'. "Flight of the Snow Duck"=have on VHS. "Old Man & the Sea Duck" (still with the duck obsession even w/o duck characters) was so Beyond Belief. ;; "Her Chance to Dream" was also a sweet ghost story. Lake Flaccid, omg. xD "War of the Weirds"--Colonel Grogg! :D "Captains Outrageous"--hyena & vulture kids. ^^ Nice to see positive representation! And again in My Fair Baloo. They're like the Lost Boys or Little Rascals. "For Whom the Bell Klangs"--good'un. "Dr. Axelottle?" Why isn't he an axoltl? Buzz's eyes remind me of Garfield/Jon/etc. Baloo's always having to give up any dough he earns to pay for damage he's done (like Lucy in the laundromat. xD) Another "father (figure)+("adopted") son attending school together. (How do their grades work though?? Ours were perfect: K-5=elementary. 6-8=middle/junior high. 9-12=high.) Louie & Shere Khan=awesome in this. All the jungle animals fit into these anthro roles perfectly and still feel just like their Jungle Book selves. Tony Jay is the ideal replacement for George Sanders. BUT WHERE IS BAGHEERAAAAAA...never even wondered as a kid?? Cute wee furry critchers in ep. 57. x3 Love the scene design (e.g. the post office, dino 'Great Valley,' or Don Karnage's bedchamber...) dra why can you only "reply" one-deep on these dumb comments? hmmm...

  3. Zenimation: Pretty but missing some truly obvious material for several if not all themes, overly heavy on the Moana and Frozen II. "Extended Edition" is nothing new, just the whole thing strung together into one continuous piece. 8/

  4. Timon & Pumbaa: Timon is so much more relatable. xD Like the hyena & Zazu ones. A lot of the weaker eps are weird in that you expect them to grow more complex but they just don't, or it ends with the wrong "moral," or they don't make much sense even by this toon's hella loose standards, or whatever. (E.g., NO Timon, you're NOT wrong or a mook for wanting to be alone. Pumbaa's annoying codependence is unhealthy. And did Timon really decide to break all the animals out of the weird "pet shop" [no customers, or even threat of a Darla-type or something?] just because Pumbaa didn't wanna be there? They just left the beehive without working out some moderate work-AND-play plan with the queen? And so on and so forth.) Obviously the show made no pretense at realism or canon (even less so than Lion Guard.) Canonical movie-based toons are very rare anyway, let alone ones that actually live up to the film. Few notable eps: Broadway Bound & Gagged, All Pets Are Off (Pood!), Miss Perfect, Swiss Missed, Mind Over Matterhorn, Boo-Hoo Bouquet, Dapper Duck Burger, etc. The beaver is hilarious. Fred's cool. Colorful warthogs are odd. Timon's hyena friend! :D Sweet biker gang. Some cute settings/sets as usual. Show gets real gross sometimes...:/ Lot of extremely disgusting, hideous, grotesque, irritating animals (like the rabbit, aardvark...) T&P often take turns being "the (more) annoying one." xD

  5. Goldie & Bear is cute enough to have on but lacks any particularly *great* character. Big Bad is kinda the right type might be the best regular one, idk. It’s a bit tepid but sometimes funny and/or fun. The Candyland-esque board game ep is probably the best one. What I HATE is when a moral is incorrectly applied to a character who is not in the wrong and should not be the one “learning the lesson” or getting chastised. (Call it Pinkie Pie Syndrome...) I noticed this twice so far, most egregiously in the fishing episode where Goldie was the wrong one. Just a few examples of “wait the one you’re sorta painting as wrong isn’t wrong...” 

  6. Rewatching more Dizknee moobees. I still feel sorry for Yzma...she was just saving Kuzco work and doing it exactly the same way he did anyhow.   He was just too much of an egomaniac to be grateful. Kronk’s New Groove=Best part was Yzma’s cat-woman-ness. (And how is she prettier than “Birdwell?”) Pretty much like an extended cartoon ep overall. B&tB=lots of Sleepy Hollow influence ofc...& Grimsby must’ve been inspired by Ichabod’s design too. x3 I do hope that had the spell not been broken in time, the enchantress would’ve returned to free the object-people, as it would be quite unfair to them otherwise...xD And then in Enchanted Christmas, I always feel sooo badly for Forte...I need to know that he was repaired, and still felt needed and appreciated in the future (can the object-people die? Or become disfigured humans if they’re damaged?) Like, I fully get why he’s so bitter and emo and the only one who doesn’t want to be a human again (I mean, yeah, it’s really no great shakes anyway), even though he can barely move now. ;; Sure sounds as if he’s been burned more than once. It’s just...I WOULD APPRECIATE YOU AND YOUR LOVELY MUSIC, POOR DUDE. �� ️�� He needs a Belle of his own. And a dog (at least. x3) Yeah, he’s an attempted murderer, but he was Beastie’s #1 BRO, yo! Bros get jealous. They be like, “Bros before hoes, yo.” Like Timon & Pumbaa trying to split up Simba & Nala. To have to smash and topple him like that when we went a bit nutsy-cuckoo (can you really blame him though? He had his reasons anyhow) must’ve hurt. So sad; it didn’t have to come to that...he could have talked it out with Beastie and they could’ve stayed besties. Now they sure did fuck up my girl Prudence in Cinderella III: ATiT. Friggin tits. Why did they make her so TAN?? She ain’t tan at all! And then she’s a bungling, cartoonish nincompoop—I think tf not. Ofc both sequels fucked everybody pretty well up. But at least in #2 you’ve got Prudie’s & the Grand Duke’s awesomeness, and the mostly cute Stacy/baker romance. Okay, both have lots of stupidass hilarity. You can only laugh. And pause #3 at some truly golden moments. (Size 4 1/2 shoe, wtf system is this?   And you can tell they love redheads—not only do we tend to get disproportionately represented in animation/illustration just because they can, but Anastasia is once again the focused-on stepsister.)

    1. But fr, the cheap TV-cartoon sequels and midquels that don’t even hold a candle to their best TV toons, yo... �� One must continue snarking one’s way through to survive. Sight was lost of Walt’s governing philosophy—that children’s entertainment should also be good for adults, because we deserve timeless classics to cherish forever rather than disposable garbage to be plopped in front of so we might stfu for an hour or so. But holy shit, the sheer number (huge) of lines I’ve heard a certain way since childhood and have a hard time hearing differently even after realizing what was actually being said/sung...and then the ones that come as a genuine shock now to 33-y/o Disneyphile me thanks to captions...Aladdin seriously said “we’ll have servants and VALETS,” not ballets?? Prudence announces TARRAGON mashed potatoes, not DELICATE ones?? Holy shit. “Brand-new centime, not Saltine?” (Okay, that one I had to go out on a little bit of a limb to make sense of, but I managed it.) “It [the snowman] will stay up until July,” not “WE’LL stay up until July?” Wtf, mine makes just as much sense. The voice acting in these films is done in such unique ways; the lines are spoken such that the sound of it sticks with you forever even if you’ve always heard parts of it as kinda nonsense. Which you just sorta accepted meant something, or something. You memorize the cadence and tone and pitch and individual syllables and all that. So when you hear it again after years it just floods right back and transports you directly back in time as if it were yesterday. But hm... it’s actually tough to tell what enchanted object you’d be...especially in a world that hasn’t harnessed electricity so literally anything can be alive in this case, as opposed to appliances whose life-force is the ⚡️. Has to be something you physically resemble, have something in common with, regularly use... • Can’t believe I never actually made a particular mental note of how exceptional the Rescuers Down Under SCORE is—but hey hey hey, it’s the Homeward Bound composer, so no shock there anyway. That actually makes perfect sense. You can kinda almost tell. But yeah, the first one is adorable (especially Evinrude, and the Devil’s Eye cave is scary)—but TRDU is the best example of a sequel surpassing the original. Just a masterpiece in every respect.

      random pood note she wants me to make (since we already filled an lj post entitled "the pood abides" with fascinatory poodfacts): Poodie improves all songs by making the lyrics all about Herself. She constantly sings her own praises yet is the humblest, most modest being in the universe relative to her excellence. 

    2. 'ever after high'=ripoff of winx (which is kinda neat)xmonster high (eh)xdescendants (eww)...a million cheap low-budget/quality iterations of identical ugly bratz-looking doll-girls, but the damn rainbow colors suck me in every time. xD

  7. Extremely non-canonical, weird 101D series:  Gogo, Shasha, Vendella (sp??), Bonbon...randos   (“cast party,” kibble tester...), including those similar to the named ones...Amber  🧡, Angelica, the circus & biker girls  🏻‍🦰 ‍🦱...  🏻‍🦰 ➕ 🏼🦎 (Animal House Party)~Red’s Dream is too sad, I want a happy ending where some clown or kid or clown kid or ANYBODY who wants a cool unicycle buys him...!     🥺 Tin Toy...absolutely horrifying inspiration for TS...  ~Wonder whether Partly Cloudy was any influence on T.O.T.S.    ️ Or, y’know, Storks. (Baby electric eel, awww❣️🥰) 

  8. Favorite GoT/ASoIaF sigils:
    -Clegane+Tully because, dogs+fish! (Would pick favorite breeds/species for mine...damn impossible could make fish more fearsome by using shark, stingray, barracuda, electric eel, etc. xD But even just a trout or whatever is somehow cool & noble. And says "I don't NEED to draw a supposedly terrifying-looking creature on my stuff, okay?")
    -Redwyne grapes ;D
    -Targaryen Fire and Blood in my style--Sisu-type dragon (each head in different color scheme...r/o, y/g, b/p or b/o, y/g, p/p)
    -Greyjoy & others are cool...

    House Pleco: We Suck and We're Proud
    House Squarepants: We're Ugly and We're Proud

  9. ***Cuckoo Loca's house: as seen in Bow Toon "Locked Out," the main area+bathroom...then in Cuckoo For Cuckoo Clocks, the kitchen...and the absolutely glorious new one's exterior, chair, table, & bed.
    *Goofy's house! (Tree House Trouble)
    *Food trucks (Goof's)
    *The yoga studio
    *Coach Hannah=Lucy's Miss Hannah (Snow Go With the Flow)
    *Nameless backgrounders all over all the time--mostly clones of one another/guest many clearly just designed to look like Roxie relatives ;p

    Best RR eps (s 1+2--what's currently on d+; add rest when it is):

    1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: The hatred it received for rendering these beloved characters in poor cgi & a dumbed-down, extremely juvenile form *was* justified. Ludwig is the best-used character; he's just his normal self for the most part. Donald's pretty good too. Dig those ducks. The thought to include Willie is nice. Pete is sweetened even when playing the part of the villain/antagonist. The first 3 seasons stick to the main gang & that's it; they're the only ones living in this land. So many characters from shorts or other classic Mickey/Fab 5/Sensational 6 films you could use, and you do that. Whateverrr. Occasionally lied to kiddos as well. By the end there's a ton more going on, it's not so simple, and they're obviously ready to transition to RR & Bow Toons. S4+5 are easily the best. Mortimer finally shows up. But ostriches>hippos--why so much Fantasian hippo presence and 0 ostrich?
      BEST SHIZZLE in it? *"Chef Goofy on the Go"'s mobile diner. Sweet design, should be a toy. Episode showcases laziness though, what with certain pieces just (dis)appearing when the details of their mechanics could've easily been depicted properly. (Water always looks nice tho for whatever that's worth :/) Also Chip's & Dale's voices were swapped in one scene. *GOOEY FISH. Boldly colored uh, living Swedish Fish that I thought at first were candy but nope, are real fish that they alive. x_x #SaveTheGooeyFish *Toodles' room! (shown for the first time before it was actually created so the eps must be at least somewhat out of order) *Mickey yelling "DIE! DIE! DIE!" when they dive *Le Moo Mart! *Castanet clams! *The glowing crystals of fairy-tale land (& waiting for Gastdon to show up and kill Pete-Beast out of jealousy. *The "Rooms of Requirement" that flip to whatever you need...the nice yellow/red bathroom, library, art studio, skating rink, whatever. *The chicken-benefit carnival. *Pipe organ count +1 in the spoopy eppie I thought was from RR *The bloody jukebox *Mouska the yellow cat @ Min's salon *A pet show & tomater garden that can't compete with the Berenstain Bears' but make a decent effort *Goofles (gbo) reminding me of my precious Doofles (the yellow plush bag) *The sub-bus (& that ep); nice vehicular design. & the tour bus/stage. *An EPCOT ep *Goofbot the one-man band/Pete's instruments/scooter *Mouseketools like an exploited red/purple/pink turtle trio, a giant ice cube or marshmallow or electric fan, macaron-lookin' yo-yo, glow paint. So, a fair amount of cute/coolness.

  10. It seems likely to be a difficult task, finding somebody compatible with the personal profile. 8/ Experience shows that most people are insanely boring and actually unwilling and/or unable to do anything seriously fun, awesome, adventurous, etc. most of the time.

  11. Like Mike was fucked up. We never grappled with the fact that the entire season Calvin "played" for the Knights is INVALID because he CHEATED 99.9% of the time with magical Michael Jordan sneakers. And MJ never even showed up for a cameo. xD Would the sneakers work for anybody else, or just the person who got electrocuted retrieving them from the power line? Calvin just up and ditched the Boyds?? They didn't even deserve an explanation of why he didn't want to be their son? The whole damn movie was so biased in his favor. The conflicts were distractions--aw, poor orphan bullied by other orphan and taken advantage of by secretly-psycho head of the orphanage. Seriously, he jumped from "nebbish?" to "pretty selfish guy who miiight change by the end" to "OMG WTF" hella fast. Willing to burn Murph's only photo of his mother, holy shit. xD; To think I'd felt sooooo bad about his chess game getting ruined when he was about to beat the van. They were like, "Let's just let Crispin do his super-creep thing and have some fun." Totally called Tracy adopting both boys. Or possibly the entire orphanage. Excellent paint. At the end it felt as if they were going to cut away to Bittleman's fate, but that oddly didn't happen. Low budget? Anyway. Kinda reminded me of the Santa Paws movie with the over-the-top villainess in charge of THOSE orphans. (Why must these people always hate kids? Or not care about them? Worst possible career choice. XD They're all Miss Hannigan knockoffs...) She was so cool-looking (like the trio of bold colorblock "Greek chorus" ladies), and funny away from the stinkin' depressing place. Some kind of redemption for her would've been in line with the film's overall message, but nope. She was just sadistic through and through, apparently. Guess they didn't know how to pull back from how cartoonishly nasty they'd made her the whole time.


    Man. I've been feeling hyperemotional since learning that AIM shut down over four years ago. I suppose it's not shocking, and obviously I wasn't still using it during this time...but the only reason I ever quit doing so was that eventually you were the only one on, which kinda defeated the purpose other than for chatting with the bots (hi SmarterChild! There was another one as well, such fun), and yourself. It seems fair that after two decades of rushing people's messages back and forth, the yellow running dude got to retire. And yet...I have to wonder why AOL didn't just remain THE leader and ensure that AIM remained THE messenger. It could've been given all the advancements while maintaining its outstanding uniqueness. Nobody should've ditched it, though. Nothing that's "replaced" it since has been a true replacement, or half as good. Just, unremarkably acceptable and sometimes incredibly redundant.

    I mean, the significance of AIM can't be overstated. Everybody used it all the time. Okay, maybe there were a couple people in school who used Yahoo or MSN or that ICQ whatever-the-fudge, but perhaps that was their parents...nothing else came even close to comparing, and still nothing does...I seem to recall Mrs. Lakata's computer class in elementary school, talking about how most of us were AOL-ers (well, duh! So easy to use, no wonder it's #1!) Whilst playing Neopets and Minesweeper and Solitaire, being taught to type with our hands on the home row, using the create-a-scene/make-a-story program on the PCs. :'] AOL itself was great. Once you got past the dial-up noise sequence now forever seared into your mind...there were keywords and message boards (ah, arguing with stupid wrong idiots! Befriending a Lithuanian girl, my first "penpal!" Wonder where she is now...) Chat rooms ("a/s/l?" And why wouldn't that still be asked when they're unlisted?) Eventually being given my own email so I didn't have to use my mom's. Ah. We still have a "try new AOL 6.0" free trial CD too. I oughta go for it, again. x'-3 Email alone just ain't the same.

    ANYWAY. You look up "AIM buddy icons" and get everybody talking about these crude little pixelated, animated squares that you could search on websites and use. I don't remember them. I guess that was early AIM, before I would've been using it, on my own pc. It launched in May of '97, when I was two months shy of 10, so that makes sense. The very best thing about the program--which was pretty much perfect when you think about it, what an impressive rarity--was AIM Expressions. MAN, OH, MAN. There was a practically infinite amount of customization potential amongst all the selections of buddy icon, animated buddy icon, Superbuddy icon, wallpaper, animated wallpaper, emoji set, and sounds. Absolutely something for everybody, all guaranteed to look great. Holy cow. I'm sobbing with gratitude to myself for saving an image of hundreds of my favorites. They're all so delightfully well-designed. If you had to pick the one thing that most made AIM unbeatable and irreplaceable, it's the animated Superbuddy icons--tons of adorable little characters who could hang out with you during your chats to the left of the text boxes, over the scene/backdrop wallpaper you gave them--reacting to trigger words/emoji and being incredibly fun and cute. They themselves became dear, precious friends. They could've been birthed by Pixar, they never even slowed computers down as you'd expect, and I want them back now.

    1. REST:

      AIM was still firmly in its heyday as of '05, my high school graduation year. I distinctly recall having a colorful, beautiful profile of "The Producers" quotes as I was obsessed with the film version released that year. A friend and I chatted all through the first Puppy Bowl in February '05. The program was open while I burned my black-banded Housewarmer Lemon Chiffon Yankee Candle jar and assembled a friendship-photo slideshow set to songs like Vitamin C's "Graduation" and LeAnn Rimes' "Please Remember." It was open the very day of graduation. Then, it would've been sometime during the next couple of years and on that it started to get sadly dropped. Almost totally by '11 because I don't remember the temporary logo switch at all, and then it survived quietly through '17. Knowing it's gone is seriously choking me up. You had your buddy list of friends and family and classmates and colleagues, away messages to let everybody know what you were up to or wanted them to think you were up to, or whatever "deep and profound" sh*t you wanted to put there...the ability to email transcripts of particularly excellent chats to the other participant(s)...

      It isn't just nostalgia talking either--rarely is. Save for GPS directions, everything truly was magnitudes better in the 90s. The early 2000s were just a continuation of the 90s, but then toward the middle and beyond, everything started to clearly slide downhill. The 2010s picked up the pace as they went, while the 90s were the last decade to have its own character, personality, aesthetics, and awesomeness. Afterward, it's just been...nostalgia for that, pining for that, wisely refusing to ever leave it. The 2020s are set to be easily the sh!ttiest decade of human existence, so c'mon giant meteor, let's go. Guess there's no hope of a time machine since we still don't even have all the easier sh*t we should by now. #TakeMeBackAndLeaveMeThere

  13. muy estupido: =
    matzo ball
    french onion
    chicken noodle
    broccoli cheddar. can't be narrowed much further. = 0. I am getting rid of exactly 0. But the beeeeessssssssst are kiwi, cantaloupe, pineapple, blueberry...and strawb...and grape too...and the other berries, can't forget them...yep, they're all the best. *-*

  14. Wellie Wishers: Man, I forgot that only Camille and Willa have non-horrid names. Figures, since they're the best and best-looking ones (the redhead and blonde. In that order. Like, duh. ;3 As per usual.) They should switch though, 'cause Willa is the best one but her name's just sorta okay while Camille is sorta pretty.
    Bryant joined, possibly either the gay friend or the Clifford to their Spice Girls. Or just a regular boy friend.
    Willa+Camille:WW::Mia+Stephanie::L'Eggo Fwenz

    Saw an "Aayla Secura" and was all, "Who's this Andorian ripoff with the big ugly floppy horn-looking things? Of course, from the inferior 'Star' scifi..." Then got an email for some reason about a Kickstarter for DC cards...comic characters, boy. Four of each sex wearing different costumes, basically. All have the same stupidly muscular body and generic "attractive" face (except that to be truly attractive one must be distinctive, unusual, unique; beauty exists only in contrast so if everyone is "beautiful," then no one is)--just swap hair color. It's like anime. Killer Frost (kinda dumb name, like is that even a phrase?) seemed at first as if she might be an Elsa ripoff, but nah, she was in a comic a while ago.

  15. best o' adult schwim=athf, metalocalypse, squidbillies. mr pickles. x-3

  16. Boy. Since Toy Story 4 (not including it), Pixar has been on a losing streak. Luca is the best of the last five, and it's just meh. (Kinda the most outstanding thing about it is Giulia's good hurrr...even though it and all of them are really unrealistic-looking. Blargh. They might be better as like, Aardman characters or something.) Turning Red was their first 1/10 disaster. Lightyear is a better movie, but still just seems like unnecessary busywork. (Which, let's be real, is 99% of what gets produced at all, and especially in the past few years...the percentage has been increasing ever more rapidly since the early/mid-2ks.) I mean first of all, they tried to bill it as "This is the movie that led to the Buzz Lightyear action figure being the hottest-selling toy," and is not. It just is not, okay? Watch the ad in the first Toy Story. Zero reference whatsoever to any film. Throughout all four films and the attendant shorts, there's not one allusion to any of the other characters, whom you know would've been sold as well. Sure, they could've gotten the Booster treatment ("Y'know what? Nobody likes you, Booster!") But in truth Sox would've been at least as popular as Buzz himself. Probably much more so. The toy was supposed to a Turboman-like grail that every kid wanted, the Red Ryder of Andy's youth. The surrounding mythology would be like a Star Wars/Trek combo. Far more likely than "Lightyear" having inspired the Buzz toy, is that the Buzz toy's sweeping success resulted in a Saturday morning cartoon (like, y'know, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command), and probably a feature film. But not precisely Lightyear. Perhaps similar. Zurg being his father was obviously a winking joke, but that's fine because the mythos that sprang up around the archetypal character of Buzz would be their version of Star Wars. First toy, then probably cartoon, and then serious series of 3-6 films starring Buzz--but of course also featuring a cast of others. Makes much more sense that way. Anyhoo. Best part was the discovery that future sandwiches go meat-bread-meat because bread-meat-bread is too much bread. Sox was cute. Darby and the pen guy made a pretty funny pair. At times there was kind of an Atlantis-esque vibe. Featheringhamstan. Sophie Zankman. Where was I? Ah yeah. Ye olde "funny lovable robot" trope was out in full force. But I was rooting for Old-Buzz/"Zurg" (yeah, this ain't canon, they just got bored and started doin' whatever.) Like yes, correct your catastrophic error that doomed all those people to life on an unplanned colony on a hostile planet. Whatever nice things wound up happening there, you can be fairly confident that even better things would happen in the intended timeline where you don't massively fuck up. Or where you undo the fuckup at any rate, since you have the option. Maybe the same shit'll end up taking place in a different way. They were all just trying to make you not feel too horrible because you're the best hope for getting outta there. So yeah, Old-Buzz was right. It's been real, but fix it. Question--how in fuck did Alisha get pregnant anyways? Sure wasn't Kiko. Could only have been artificial insemination...which just really seems like cheating. Adoption is one thing, but if you're just gonna borrow some biological father's sperm to have a kid anyway not because you're infertile or dealing with conception issues, but because you want both your partner of choice and the child she can't give you? :/ The best thing about homosexuality is that it's an inbuilt population control mechanism. We need more gays--but not if they're only gonna use other people's gametes to create babies rather than adopting (or doing the smart thing and remaining childless.)

    fins fur feathers (pet shop...almost stole my name of fur fin & feather)
    witch broom shop, shaggy's surf shop, queenie's quiltery!, spools & bolts; book shop
    corner toy shop, an old-fashioned toy shop, child's play
    back in the good old days, buying candy, est. 1884, the shopkeeper!, waiting @ store
    everything u need, mountain general store, pappy's general store, russel's, shopping day, old country store, a day @ the shop
    rt 66 gen store/diner, seed and feed, spring supplies, alphabet shop, a bit of country, mom & pops!, harvest market
    pumpkin festival, old friends, old gen store in winter, morning stop
    forgotten treasures
    sewing store companions
    antique shoppe, all good antiques, gone antiqueing, clock shop/clockmaker
    lovin' from the oven
    soda fountain
    confectionary shop
    star diner
    the coffee shoppe
    downtown cafe
    sweet tooth bakery
    rest stop, remember those days, good times, in the past, melrose place, rm studio
    family fun carnival, on the midway
    a moment in dreams
    rod and reel, early bird catches fish, bait shop, (buckeye) mercantile
    popsicles; everything is better w/ ice cream (cones, cart, barn); touch of august
    fish tank
    window shopping!
    anyone looking? (cats+goldfish bowl)
    a crazy zoo, fortune teller
    who's winning? ;D, the vet
    american car, wash me, woody wagon, a ford+a cord, DIY, metal shop, old garage/rustic inn, chaperone
    anticipation, are we there yet, blowing bubbles, gassing up, fillin' station, small town sat night, window on new orleans
    crazy days, dad's pick, following in dad's footsteps
    quilted w/ luv, amish quilt sale, quilt fair/lodge/barn, autumn quilts!, all the bloody “quilt/ing” ones
    christmas campers, returning/campers coming home
    dog world! news hounds, fido beach
    sleeping mermaids!

    1. ocean adventure, dolphin guardian, journey of sea turtle (guardian), return 2 treasure island, sea turtle world, starfish
      souvenirs of the sea, spinners domain, swimming lesson, wild america, african mural
      aquarium of the sea, coral reef island, beachfront, manatees, underh2o fantasy (W/ DISCUS IN OCEAN LOL)
      jungle gym/magic, FL birbs, tropical holiday, yellowstone adventures/park
      bubble trouble
      little red schoolhouse
      boys treehousw/girls clubhouse
      some bunny loves u, spring egg hunt, easter globe/buddies, many colors of spring; snow globes
      roadside stand!!, somerset service station!, stole the show
      fresh country produce/fruits & flowers, pure country, marketplace, pony rides, handmade quilts
      salzburn market, saturday morn @ the shop
      pumpkins for sale, challenge
      pick of the patch, pick ur own apples, valley/scarecrow farm
      roadside tulips, (hot air) balloon fest
      lake country store, lap of luxury
      dairy bar
      afternoon on (victorian) main st/memories, busy pubic square, sidewalk flower sale
      edge of the heartland, western lifestyle
      just around the corner, willie's pool hall, crossroads
      a ride down memory lane, a season of plenty, bridge to the farm, snowed in, snowy harbor
      jerrigan bros, open 4 business, village shops, valley orchards, our special place, windber farm, america's heartland, family cookout
      dance tonight, country barn dance, memories of rt 66, state fair picnics, winterfest, billy-jo's bbq
      life is better @ grandma's!! (& in a garden)
      grandma's country kitchen
      lake landscape!, sunset serenity, red paint, the bedroom, yellow house
      sewing memories, wisteria cottage
      house near lake, home @ end of day, haymakers lunch, old covered bridge, tranquil scene, time 4 repairs
      past lane, babbling creek rd, waterside tea, serenity lane, afternoon fishing, willow pond, st michael's, contentment, french market
      path to the garden shed, visiting the potting shed/grandma, seed box
      seaside campground!!, vacation time
      essence of summer/garden by sea, friends @ garden shop, @ home by the sea, holiday weekend/tradition, island dreams, tropical escape
      inn 4 the night, paddleboat landing
      pit stop, lap of luxury, jakeville, shoreview drive
      junkyard tour, join the crowd
      ghost+haunted house
      scary night, spooky st., witching hour, firefly inn; (summer) fireworks, grand finale, independence day, on lake on 4th
      halloween night/@ general store/scene
      who's on the roof?, a lot of xmas trees, xmas carol/mayhem/memories/(tinsel) town, winter in mtns
      kids half price; mannequin; mutual expectations; snatched away; girls in the band; conversation
      only game in town, playing checkers, upstairs+downstairs
      four seasons garden/green, part of the garden, welcome autumn, cabin in the woods
      ALL “AUTUMN/FALL” ONES <333 +”country(side),” “farm(stand),” “harvest,” “pumpkin(s)” <3333
      gatherings. histories. kim jacobs! kruskamp! many kinkade-esque.”a day” ones, a little bit of heaven., close 2 paradise, paradise lake
      **farms. pumpkins. autumn/fall, harvest. general stores. rural towns, scenes; countryside, woods, mountains, cabins. classic diners. vintage cars, jukeboxes, gas stations. drive-ins! deserts (stopping @ dry gulch, saturday/sunset splendor, springtime valley, eagles.) fairies/angels, gothic/mystical, elegant horseback ladies (red-haired witch! ;D water dragon). gnomes. shop windows. easter/chocolate bunnies. trailers. peacocks!! collages. aminalz. holidayz. spookiness. Halloween. ~ 'cowboy in the snow' looks like a leanin' tree card. eurasier spotted in cabin mischief? ALL OF IT MUDDAFUCKA.

      [Also: Every time I watch Frozen 2 I'm re-struck by all the dialog and imagery that calls to mind GoT/ASoIaF+the fact that Elsa=Daenerys...;W;]

      Aimee Stewart. Carolyn Steele. Jacek Yerka. Steve Skelton (Weedo!) Bruce Kaiser (#cruisinandchrome.) **Steve Read (house interiors especially!) Simon Kayne ("Baking Day.") Albert Lorenz ("50s house.") Andy Russell (interiors as well.) Steve Crisp (1940 kitchen etc.) Lars Stewart. Alixandra Mullins. John Francis. Adrian Chesterman. Hiroaki Shioya. Ciro Marchetti. Jason Taylor. Garry Walton. Gerald Newton. Hiroyuki Tanikawa. David Maclean. Artworld. Mark Gregory. Walt Curlee. Angelo Bonito. Lewis T. Johnson. Martin Berry. Michael Young. Stu Shepherd. Phil Straub. Robin Koni. Hiroo Isono. Graeme Stevenson. Dominic Davison. John O'Brien+Bindon. SHU. Michael Irvine. Colin Thompson. DiNo. Cynthie Fisher. Chris Hiett. #peteradderleystheatreandartgallerypoodzlol #kentaronishinosfishinos #janpatrikkrasny #irinagarmashovacawton #ClaudiaMcKinney #BenteSchlick #AndrewFarley

      First few and maybe a few others have recognizably unique styles. Rest are mimics and do more or less the same stuff on the same themes (big colorful scenes, nostalgic scenes, reef/wildlife scenes...etc.)


      k jacobs: marsh river mercantile. cobblestone bakery/toy store. home library. warming hut. cross stream retreat. never neverland. windmill house retreat. peacock display. et. al. (20) | bill bell (symphonia, bigfoots, etc.)

  18. I wouldn't call myself a Swiftie per se, but she's got a lot of good songs and writing talent. "Speak Now" is a real quality album (not entirely certain what the "Taylor's Version" means though.) Very long too. Ya got:
    Back to December
    Never Grow Up
    Speak Now
    Better Than Revenge
    Castles Crumbling (sounds like it was written for Daenerys...;; )
    I Can See You
    Sparks Fly
    Foolish One
    Long Live
    When Emma Falls in Love
    Last Kiss
    Dear John
    The Story of Us
    Electric Touch

    Yeah, quite noice, I hadda say...

  19. hm, hurr be a wee list of "super-sad songs" from a long time ago...ofc it could go on forever. Especially if I expand a bit on the idea of "sad"...I've thousands and thousands of songs in my Spotify playlists and so very many are powerful enough to get you all up in the misty, nostalgic feels...especially if you're in the right mood/state of mind and ready to be overwhelmed with the associated memories and whatnot washing over you...;;

    Concrete Angel-Martina McBride
    The House That Built Me-Miranda Lambert
    Please Remember-LeAnn Rimes
    Graduation-Vitamin C
    Dance With My Father-Luther Vandross
    Just a Dream-Carrie Underwood
    You Can Let Go-Crystal Shawanda
    Tears in Heaven-Eric Clapton
    Angels in Waiting-Tammy Cochran
    Don't Take the Girl-Tim McGraw
    You're Gonna Miss This-Trace Adkins
    Remember Me This Way-Jordan Hill
    Already There-Lonestar
    Luca-Suzanne Vega
    Wind Beneath My Wings-Bette Midler
    He Gets That From Me-Reba
    Moving Oleta-Reba
    Cat's in the Cradle-Harry Chapin
    Lonesome Dove-Garth Brooks
    For Good (from Wicked)
    Please Remember Me-Tim McGraw
    Heaven Can't Be Found-Hank Williams Jr.
    Shadow Face-Hank Williams Jr.
    What She's Doing Now-Garth Brooks
    Family Portrait-P!nk
    Little Sister-Jewel
    Right Here Waiting-Richard Marx
    My Little Girl-Tim McGraw
    Seasons in the Sun-Terry Jacks
    Shannon-Henry Gross
    100 Years/The Riddle-Five For Fighting
    My Heart Will Go On-Celine Dion
    I Will Always Love You-Whitney Houston
    There You'll Be-Faith Hill
    The One That Got Away-Katy Perry
    A Stranger in My Place-Anne Murray
    Never Grow Up, Back to December, Teardrops On My Guitar-Taylor Swift
    How Can I Help You Say Goodbye-Laura Branigan
    So Long, Old Friend (from Here Comes Garfield)
    The Time Has Come (Pikachu's Goodbye)
    Robyn Starling's song (from The Tom & Jerry Movie)
    Soon You'll Come Home (from All Dogs Go to Heaven)
    I Will Always Be With You (from All Dogs Go to Heaven 2)

    and let us ne'er forget 'the grinch grinches the cat in the hat' :'3 usual that shit can indeed go on forever and eternity
    ugh...the bloody christmas shoes...;-;


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