re: Wankers on the Wall "Best Death" voting

I bet the cancellation of the Stark-based prequel and simultaneous greenlighting of the Targaryen one is half the disappointment with the end of the second Long Night, and half attempted appeasement of Dany/Targ lovers. Plus there’s source material for this one. 

The foreshadowing of a Jonerys baby was insanely strong to have gone nowhere whatsoever. I still feel as if I only saw an abridged final season. I suppose it’s a fair point that GRRM might not want to end on another incest baby as future ruler, buuuut... 

-I love that Meli was ultimately the reason humanity was saved (for better or worse...) Her goal fulfilled, she stuck around no longer...<3 I’d never seen her as evil despite some of her appalling actions. 
-I did view Cersei as a villain. And Littlefinger. He was basically Discord, agent of chaos. (Almost everyone got stupider as the series went on and they had no GRRM material to draw from, though, of course.) I believed Varys was a largely selfless cutie since S1, but as with so many, he ticked me off for the first time in S8...D; His death didn’t sadden me as it should’ve because he was merely being used to try to lead the audience by the nose in an anti-Dany direction. Oh, he’s suddenly psychic (or jumps to conclusions based on little evidence) and not a master whisperer-spyder. Yeah, okay, great, terrific, fantastic. Whoo. -_- 
Cersei’s “love” is the most selfish sort, viewing its objects as valuable because they are either extensions of herself, or essentially her property. Her own desires and interests always come first. Loving her own kids didn’t redeem someone who had utter disregard and contempt for most everybody else’s. 
-Sansa “besting” Littlefinger...was more like doing the bare minimum of decency by checking with her birdman brother before putting her own sister on trial. The three then worked together to take him down. I gave them points for it. Bran gave Arya the dagger that killed the NK and Meli told her what to do with it (wish it had happened later of course, but still.) 
-Agree with Mr. Derp, Chilli, & Nick20. 
-Excited to check out HDM because I want to learn more about the daemons; that is such a rad concept. 8-D I want my soul-animal as a constant companion. (Actually, I beautiful Saluki...but I still feel her presence.) ...watched the first ep and agree that in scenes with multiple people it sometimes felt like, "Where are their daemons then? Do they all have very small animals hidden somewhere?"
-Lotta smart shit stated (esp. by Mr. Derp & TB.) Why didn't Valyrian steel seem to make any difference anywhere in the Long Night? Why in the ever-loving fuck didn't the White Walkers get to fight anyone or do a goddamn thing? Why did Theon have to just commit such lame suicide? What a shitload of fuck.


"Best Quotes" preliminary voting comment that had refused to go through:

Oh boy.

Best winners: "What do we say to the god of death?," "no need to execute me" (Ily Meli ;; ), "fvck tradition" (go Tormy!), the knighting speech, & "you think our house words are stamped...?" (no, Jon, indeed that's not how it works. Not supposed to be, anyway.)

Best runners-up: Bronn's speech re: how great houses got their starts, Sam's re: how to erase the world of men, "I chose the north," Tyrion's talents being ill-suited to the AotD (hardy-harr), "you're not like your sister" (if only, Brie!!), "you're a cold little b!tch" (lol, Arya was always the one with whom I most identified--'til she called Sansa smart anyway XD), "you've got the North in you," & "was it right?" (Jonny boy, nothing about that whole mess was...*le sob*)

Funniest winners: "I really wanted those elephants," "Samwell Tarly, slayer of White Walkers...", giant's milk monologue, vomiting=celebrating!, & the Arya/Beric/Sandor interaction.

Funniest runners-up: "Whatever they want" (YUH-HUH GURL...also everybody knows dragons eat McGillicuddys, DUH), the Davos/Bronn banter, "I've always had blue eyes!", "take your own bloody pants off," "which one of you cowards sh!t my pants?", "The big woman still here?", "we're all going to die" (lul), "I borrowed a few books...", "ruined horses," "first I robbed you," "someone taller," "you'll finally have to climb for it," "burn the rest of us," "what a terrifying thought," "start your own house" (funny when you think about it, but I guess Grey Worm could adopt a designated heir...xD)

There were loads of contenders for funniest, and the first five runners-up especially were painfully close cuts. I had an easier time with the all-around due to how *many* could be eliminated for the circumstances involving their utterance and/or my *intense* hatred of them. Good point about Varys, Aiad. And thumbs-up, Mr. Derp, Jucor, Andreea, Tar Kidho...

+ more Dany defense in the form of another response that had been "detected as spam" by stupid Disqus due to length:

I despised Tyrion's speech and endorsed her killing evil men. (:
Killing slavers does not logically lead to killing civilians.
If I had a brother such as Viserys and watched him perish, I'd show no emotion either. Maybe even gladness. Why on Planetos should she have seemed sad for that rat?!
Most of the time I did cheer and agree with her decisions. No, not all of them seemed to be the wisest or soundest or most morally perfect, but if she'd always made The Most Perfect Choice, she'd have been accused of Mary Suery and not been very believable. Once or twice I doubted whether she'd done the right thing or gone too far, but never lost faith in her overall. Like Missandei and the many other followers Dany earned, I would have chosen her as queen over the other options. She was growing and learning how to not just conquer, but rule wisely and well. Which takes time. But she had the inner strength, compassion, and determination necessary. Always she was struggling to try to balance justice and mercy, trying to do what would ultimately be best for most. Her actions had reasons and justifications even when debatable.
Dany was let down by Suddenly-Stupid Tyrion's "clever" plans and did what she should have in the first place. Heck, she should have just gone straight for Cersei and not given her any time at all to raise defenses, organize, or prepare. I guess just crisping her would've made the show too short, sweet, and simple, though. Dany was downright generous with the stinking Tarlys, offering them a "win-win situation that they managed to find the lose in." As a million people have pointed out, you could've made a case for multiple characters "going mad" and starting senseless random murder sprees based on their darker actions, and Dany faced more difficult and trying situations than most people all her life. In her world she didn't stand out as a tyrant in the making; quite the contrary. She well knew her history, yet for some bs reason was simply doomed to repeat it anyway. Being "softer" would probably not have permitted her to get as far as she did. The way her story ended made the whole series feel so nihilistic as to verge on pointless. Frankly R'hllor should have shown Melisandre more of the future and advised her to just bow out early and let the Walkers win after all.
The whole philosophy Daenerys espoused in the last two episodes was unlike anything she’d ever said before; she was a paranoid-delusional pod person. She KNEW that the people of Westeros were different—not literal slaves but also not to be assumed able or necessarily even inclined to successfully revolt against Cersei. She KNEW they weren’t “drinking secret toasts to her health,” that she would need to win their support, love, and loyalty as well by proving herself once again. By demonstrating how unlike Cersei she was, and making Westeros better than they'd ever imagined. That was the plan and the way. Never before had she expressed a belief that the people failing to rise against Cersei on their own without having heard so much as a word from herself (and why didn’t she have people out campaigning for her?) would indicate that they were Cersei-loving “enemies.”
For her to take the capital city of Westeros after seven seasons of struggle and hardship, and then insanely throw away absolutely everything by destroying her own people and her own city for less than no reason whatsoever, is a development I can’t take seriously. I wouldn’t have minded teasing “Mad Queen Dany” given her devastating losses and the disappointed feeling that she might not be as loved as Jon even after he willingly passed her the crown. I expected practically everyone to dance more closely with darkness as things progressed. But to go through with it and then Old Yeller her was such a disservice. (Didn’t intend to write another bloody essay...whoops.) 

And while Jon's ending is relatively decently happy for him, he's gonna be forever fucked-up by what he did...for however long he's got left now...
GRRM must have no specific idea how the story ends, and the show's conclusion was the best D&D could come up with? seems unlikely,'s even less likely that this is the ending George gave them...
Oh yeah, and I for one never found Cersei at all sympathetic. Maybe I could've handled her dying by bricks while sniveling to Jaime had that been the only underwhelming let-down...

Gotta keep ranting over the sheer insanity of wankers!
It's unbelievably braindead to be like, "Why were you bothered by the number of deaths in The Long Night when no prominent characters died in other big battle episodes?" Ummmm, maybe because this was THE Great. War. To which the entire series was leading from the VERY start. The deadliest of all, against an inhuman and seemingly unbeatable enemy--the incarnation of Death itself, come to annihilate humanity. I THINK it's pretty GODDAMN FUCKIN' OBVIOUS why people expected more deaths after the lovely 8x02 fireside chat, you deliberately obtuse twats.
And the fucking season's care level isn't represented by one wayward coffee cup but by TWO ADDITIONAL GODDAMN FUCKING WATER BOTTLES. 
Mango is always spot-on. Many shills (or multiple names used by D&D) on the fansites, surprise surprise. xD
It would've been fine for Arya to kill Cersei wearing Jaime's face. You can't fault people for expecting wholly plausible theories to pan out (especially when they were just replaced with stupidly underwhelming horseshit.)
The first six seasons had kind of blurred together for me. After re-watching I noted that 6 was an overall favorite, and 5 feels somewhat more distinct...while the first four still blend. Perhaps because the books did and those were pretty direct page-to-screen translations. I rated the whole series a 9 or 10/10; that's the obvious average of all the episodes...of the first seven seasons. The Long Night is 5-7 depending on how generous I feel, because the NK's early death damages it significantly. Last of the Starks...could've been 6-7 originally, but now that the final three form the triptych of vile putridness that they do, it has to be 3-5 tops. Probably 3. 1 for The Bells. 1.5-2 for The Iron Throne.
"Revenge doesn't feel as good as you think it will, watching Myrcella die doesn't make you feel better about Lady"--WTFH. Myrcella wasn't responsible for Lady's death. Nobody would've taken Cersei's innocent daughter as revenge for her.
"Why didn't the video-making people try to come up with a way for it to have ended better?" ARE YOU KIDDING THE ABSOLUTE FUCK OUTTA ME YOU DOLT--THEY. DID. So many people made so many proposals, before and after, that together could've amounted to a celebrated and wonderful ending. No way can such questions be for real. Nobody who'd actually say such shit could ever have managed to survive even to adolescence.
Literal amoebas using that site. Repulsive, disgusting, repugnant, mindless, phony, hilarious, & pathetic ones.

*"I'm okay with Dany being the 'ultimate villain' because the story was always about people not zombie."
Yes. It was. It was all about the human aspect, and the reactions of people to finding themselves in various situations...the mindless zombie baddies (as well as their sentient leaders) provided part of the framework for an awesome story, which was always at its core grounded, honest, believable, and realistic in regard to human nature. Speaking of which, WE BEEN KNEW that "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely..." I truly did not need just another simplistic morality play, which is sort of what it all ultimately boiled down to. "An ambitious woman will eventually become Hitler and need to be destroyed. And we won't even be subtle with the imagery, either! Have a nice day." Don't even try pointing to "bUt SaNsA bEcAmE a qUeEn," because--pfffffffffft. She's supposed to be the example of a strong, successful female? I ain't having it. She'll be the same selfish, spoilt-brat snake forever. We always knew that these characters might well fall short of their ideals and goals, or fail to totally see through an apparent redemption arc, but boy, did they take the grittiness and nihilism a few light years beyond where it needed to be.  

And don't pretend you give a shit, Tyrion, you mook. You *should've* poisoned the lot of them back when you had the chance. (The whitewashing of him & Jon just to try and make Dany look bad--ugh, so disgusting.) 
I'd begun to identify with Dany during the latter part of the first season, when she started to become this strong, fierce, noble, dignified, sophisticated, fiery and righteous queen. She and Arya were, for seven or 7.5 seasons, MAH GURLZ. Dx
**And if any one person was Azor Ahai, 'twas Mel. 
***The KL massacre was another "cool dragon-attack spectacle," sure, if that's what you wanted...but I wasn't looking for that just for the heck of it story-wise. Cleganebowl had been guaranteed by the EW issue, but for all my participation in the "Get hype" campaign, I wasn't truly hyped enough to care much about it in the face of the destruction of nearly all else surrounding. 

Perhaps I was willfully blind to the show's faults in S7 and prior because I had such naive faith that they clearly knew what they were doing, that they had a sufficient amount of story from George and a firm enough grasp of it to pull off a proper ending which would retroactively explain anything that might have seemed wrong in the penultimate season...I didn't even question it...painful lesson learned. Never again will I be a sucker. The GoT experience has made me, if possible, even more cynical and pessimistic (aka intelligent and wise.)


  1. ...That was so old. And "receipts?" Wth's that even mean? What I asked for was an ending I *could* buy. Ay yi yi...way to keep dancing widely around the myriad actual issues and spouting nonsense, but what're they gonna do if they keep getting the same stupid questions I tiresome by now. Yeah, the reaction was real shocking and unforeseeable. And Missandei's death was totally the center of it. *eyeroll to infinity and beyond* Loved that the interviewer pointed out Littlefinger's dumbing-down (among others', of course.) xD

  2. ...I still feel badly for Tormund. Can't understand Brienne's look of turned-off-ness; unless her type is exclusively prettibois, he's so humorous and charming in his bearish way, and so genuinely attracted to her for her. I kept hoping it'd turn into more than a one-sided gag...he deserved to be used as more than mere comic relief, but that's basically what they reduced him to. If Brie could've decided to give him a chance and get to know him better so that there ended up being an actual choice between him and Jaime, it could have been interesting. Of course she's not obligated to choose any guy, and I think Torm would have understood if she told him unequivocally that she wasn't interested. As it was, he was pretty damn respectful. He made her "uncomfortable?" Oh come on. There was some cultural miscommunication going on. He may have thought she was being coy or playing hard to get or waiting to be impressed. Sigh...


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