Ep. 1 Bonus clip:

It was absolutely heartbreaking that she had to feel so much shame and anxiety at such moments. If she'd won every Calf she was nominated for they would've all been well-earned--and even though awards and accolades don't magically make things okay, she nonetheless deserves all of them and to be a global household name because her talents equal or exceed any other nation's best. At the same time they dwarf her ego to a rare degree. Carice: Your album's a masterpiece, you're a producer (*launches into "I Wanna Be a Producer"), & you really are loved and appreciated, mmmkay? ^-^ <3

EP. 1:

I became a patron and watched the full-length video versions of what had already been highly thought-provoking on Spotify. Great intro! I absolutely ah-dawr musical theatre. And ah yes, the joy of listening in the car or any moving vehicle! Watching my weird conjured imagery play out along the roadside as we go. Ahhhh, road trips. Traveling all over, especially North America and Europe, for to engage in all that is fun and delightful--that's one of my ultimate dreams/goals. (Along with lots more doggos and other animals…’specially fishies…so those biggies need to be compatible, heheh.) Think I'm pretty eclectic for sure, musically and generally. I'm often compelled to sing upon hearing a word, phrase, or name that reminds me of a song. But I also love instrumentals, classical and scores and all, as well as great foreign-language songs that let me project whatever tf I want onto them. Sentimental & nostalgic, oh, that's basically my permanent mood. Stuff that captures that and delivers me right back to when & where I'd rather be (not that I need help since I really never left), transports me to places and times...essential. "Take Me Back (And Leave Me There.") With all my current knowledge and everything.

EP. 2:

Boy, that was like being back in English class hearing two professors discuss poetry & religion. (Think "Carice & Daniel" does roll slightly more gracefully off the tongue.)

I predicted God Only Knows' and Hasa Diga Eebowai's inclusion. xD I often say "I know!" like the chieftain in the latter. So perfect. And GOK, wow. I've always understood it in the genuine way. The first line to throw you off momentarily, then the reassurance--because yeah, when could there possibly not be stars above you? "The only condition under which I MIGHT ever quit loving you is when every single one of the trillions or however many stars there are in the universe burns out. You need not doubt my sincerity, I'll prove it endlessly, and only an almighty divine entity could fathom what might've become of me had it not been for you." BUT there is that other (depressing) interpretation of "Even if I don't necessarily love you anymore, I still need you and am so codependent that I'm gonna keep you convinced, 'cause I'd be a wreck otherwise." Dang. The rest gives me those Love Actually "people running to hug at the airport" vibes though, and intensely true "nothing else would be worth living for without you" love. The repetition and overlap of the line...not a super-religious song or one about religion, but so good.

The rest were really interesting too--from the bemused God's POV to the angry guy addressing someone he claims isn't real (or maybe can't/doesn't want to/is tempted to no longer believe in), to treating the big guy as a man...and indeed, what if God WAS one of us? Just a slob like one of us? Just a stranger on the bus, trying to make his way home? Back up to heaven all alone...nobody calling on the phone...'cept for the Pope, maybe, in Rome... (Was gonna say "Augh, I love One of Us, and The Rose--y'all cray, I'm unsubbin'!" But NO I KID, 'tis too good!)

Randy Newman's done awesome work for Disney & Pixar; can always get a good sob from When She Loved Me (& a good chuckle from Short People. Not Pixar but still.)

I worship D-O-G for sure...but raised Catholic (in the "we go to church for very special occasions and the CCD classes are homeschooled" way.) Returned during college to make confirmation so I could add a name to my name, and their explanation of how the Holy Trinity is three aspects of one being was a tad mind-boggling. Like God tore off a hunk of himself and sent it to Earth as his prophet son or something, and also there's the Holy Spirit. But during high school other faiths had begun showing their appeal (particularly Wicca/paganism, parts of Buddhism, etc.) A friend and I went ahead and founded our own--with 18 syllables in the name and 13 in our holy book's. Ultimately kinda just pulled together a world religions "greatest hits" album to form my own 'Seems Right' belief set. If some contradict, whatever, I'll make it work. I believe in spirits, the afterlife, the paranormal, maybe reincarnation, all that. Doesn't mean I don't try to let logic and rationality be my guides most of the time; I do. And I agree that militant atheism is at least as silly as pious worship; agnosticism is a nice in-between. So even if I don't agree with Ricky Gervais on everything, I love his comedy and the series After Life--which killed me because I found his character relatable and sympathetic, and the type of husband that Carice's character in the saddest film ever ("A Woman Goes to the Doctor") deserved. (I.e. the non-adulterous kind who'd say that without her "the world could show nothing to me, so what good would living do me?" ;-; )

EPS 3-5

main blog



  1. Why tf won't it let me sign in on this one? Anyway. :
    I hate how guilty she feels. Carice, you are the only flawless angel to ever walk upon the earth in humanoid form. Your environmental impact is immeasurably minute, microscopically minuscule.
    Figures that she'd be so conscious of the immense responsibilities parents have, as the ones who forced their children into the world. Ironically, on the other hand, her son is bar none the luckiest human ever born, so. :'-|
    Some of the commenters had absolutely less than no idea what they were talking about, and less than no clue about her.

    "flown a lot for my work" Like loads of people have to do. Unless you're using a ton of fuel to fly only a few people at a time, you carry no guilt there. Now I'm sure that planes use proportionally more fuel than other vehicles to keep them in the air, vs. moving on the ground or water. I'm also sure there must be cleaner alternatives, solutions, and improvements to any vehicular issues practically just waiting to be utilized, so you don't need to feel even a little badly about it...
    "own a couple leather jackets" Omg. I have lots of leather. I used to hate the idea of buying it and still wouldn't go out of my way to do so (not that I'd need to), but I accept that it's no sin. The responsible and respectful thing is to put every part of an animal to good use.
    "take milk in my tea" And you have as much milk as you'd like, PLEASE. You're the one person in the world I would never encourage to eat or drink less of anything. The thought of her trying to eat vegan worries me. On the one hand I know it makes little sense. So many of the biggest, heaviest, fattest animals are herbivores. Human ones (which even I as a former vegetarian of 15 years admittedly have difficulty believing truly exist) are no healthier or less healthy or slimmer than everyone else. It shouldn't really make any difference, yet I can't help being concerned, as I already have to be anyway. I hope she at least consults a nutritionist if she decides to go that far.

    Yes, there are certainly practical reasons for actors to be "pampered" and watched, shepherded, the majority of cases it's not about them being special or important, it's about the production's efficiency and everyone else's best interest. Carice of course WOULD recognize this, because she's a unique case whom I truly believe just naturally touches people and makes them want to help her, take care of her, do things for her. She certainly has that effect on me, which is highly unusual. xD But she's the one person where being her servant would be intrinsically fulfilling. *,-,*

    Halina re: "unused oven."
    ...and men without kids don't use the sperm, so what? You never asked for an "oven"; you can use it IF you'd like to.
    There are plenty of reasons I've never wanted a kid...well, a human one. (The furry, finned, feathered varieties are another story. Just hope I can find at least one person who'd like the same breeds and species as me...x-)

    Lots of people have/want kids, lots don't. It would be impossible for everyone to. There are too many gdmf people anyway. It's not something one should do unless one both wishes to, and is very well-prepared and equipped to provide an incredible life for the child. I've never perceived there being any big deal about it for anybody; do, don't, whatever. Nobody gaf.
    Forcing someone into the world is a massive decision that far too many take far too lightly. Earthly human existence know what it's like...I always say, it's a curse I wouldn't have inflicted upon my worst enemy. ;p Thrusting a new person into the world doesn't benefit you (or anyone else) in any way; it's all about them. Their existence is your choice (and/or fault), not theirs. They are completely their own person and you now owe them big. (And to trap somebody on Earth out of some twisted, absurd, selfish desire for them to do something for you, hoping they'll feel obligated toward you, to need to create someone for that repugnant.)
    Why would I want to assume full responsibility for somebody else's entire existence in perpetuity? I look at my brother and sister-in-law and just think, "Why would you DO that to yourselves?" I've got little to no "'maternal' instinct." It never occurs to me to want a romantic/sexual relationship or kid. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat, eh? I'm about my own happiness and goals, which don't involve little human dependents.
    If I were a parent I'd be an awesome one, just because I have no clue how not to be awesome. But I'd want to replicate my amazing childhood for them, so s/he could be as lucky as I am. That's really not necessary. Better to just continue living mine myself, for all eternities. :D (And generally speaking, well...even as a kid I wasn't exactly the biggest fan of 'em...) I mean, I'd also want to customize the perfect person--Pisces/Dog because fish and dogs are the best animals. Born under the sign of the lime tree, etc., at precisely the right moment as determined by all my astrology books in conjunction. And can I design the kid's looks like a Mii on the Wii, too? ;b Girl--more fun and versatile in every respect... Thing is I'd only really be interested when I was, on my own terms, able to turn it on and off, just the fun bits, when I was in the mood and all. ^p~ cont...

    1. ...Carice was absolutely meant to be a mommy and Monte is the luckiest human ever born, there can be no bones about that. As always she's the first and foremost exception to any of this kinda stuff. Goddess angel queen, all hail, amen. Ramen.
      But I'd give serious judgy side-eye to almost anyone who's shat out more than one kid within the past 25 years. B-| Throughout all of human history there's been no worse time than now to be born or to be a child. 'Cause what's the actual point? You raise them, so they grow up and...maybe do the same and so on, or not...? xD Idk. Maybe if the world could return to not sucking so hard in every way it'd make more sense. But at this point human extinction may well be preferable. :b
      Overpopulation is the biggest bottom-line issue for the world--undeniably everything would improve tremendously if the human population were drastically decreased. (Thanos went about it lazily though. Start with the most evil ones and go from there 'til you reach the ideal number. ;b) Some places that especially really needed to have helped themselves a bit by implementing policies to limit births. Seems to be only a start though. x-p

      P.S. Bodies are revolting, disobedient, senselessly illogical, pathetically high-maintenance...I want nothing to do with 'em...if a solid form is necessary why not smooth shiny plastic or any of the numerous other materials that would be infinitely less disgusting... There's just ever so much about everything that constantly infuriates and makes me wanna vom all over the place because that couldn't possibly make it any more repulsive than it already is.

    On that one I'm still tempted to give the benefit of the doubt, because it's very difficult for me to believe that someone would be so overtly sexist and patronizing as to assume that women wouldn't understand that part of the discussion. To me it sounds more like "You might not love to hear this part, but we'll talk it over and let you know what the consensus is" or something along those lines. I hope that's how the guy meant it, anyhows.

  5. Originally 1/11/23:
    Main reactions to LGL ep 1 (doesn't need own entry but do need to record):

    Augh, I love The Rose! Y'all cray, I'm unsubbin'...NO I KID. That was some intriguing stuff.
    I absolutely AH-DAAWWWWWRR musical theatre for one thing. And ah yes, the joy of listening in the car or any moving vehicle! Watching my weird conjured imagery play out along the roadside as we go. Ahhhh, road trips. Traveling all over, especially North America and Europe--that's one of my ultimate dreams/goals. (Along with lots more doggos and other animals. 'Specially fishies. So those biggies need to be compatible. x-3)
    I think I'm pretty eclectic for sure, musically and generally. I'm often compelled to sing upon hearing a word, phrase, or name that reminds me of a song. But I also love lyricless classical and scores and such, as well as great foreign-language songs that let me project whatever tf I want onto them.
    "Nostalgic"=my permanent mood. Stuff that captures that and delivers me right back to when & where I wanna be (not that I need help since I really never left), transports me to places and times...essential. "Take Me Back (And Leave Me There.") With all my current knowledge and everything.
    Caricey's heartbreaking guilt and shame and anxiety, and the wishing not to win the well-earned fifth calf...omfg. ;-; ("Sorry. Sorry, sorry..." "Are you okay?") She deserves not only all the awards and all the genuine love and appreciation in the universe, but to be a global household name--equal or superior to any other nation's best. This poor self-effacing little preshbabe. Girl, you're a producer and your album's a masterpiece. Your head and ego are so vastly, so uncommonly eclipsed by your talent, ability, achievement...she is such a rare gem. We ghostly-pale "idea people" are the greatest.


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