EP 6:

I can feel the love tonight. Luckily I'm a happy single without a personal interest in romance though, so I enjoy Valentine's Day for the fun stuff--candy, cartoon specials, cute character cards and decorations and little gifts, toys, stuffed animals. Don't care where it comes from. ^^ Somewhat ironically, tons of my probably 10000 or so "favorite songs" would qualify as "love songs" since a huge percentage of songs, period, are. It's just the most common theme or easiest to write/sing about, I guess. I appreciate each for the people/characters to whom it's applicable, and in a broad, hypothetical sorta way for the generalizable feelings, beauty, power, & passion conveyed. Doesn't need to be something I directly, literally, personally relate to. (Omg, I would actually absolutely hate to have to share a bed with a human outside a hotel; trips tend to put me in a good mood so I'll tolerate it then, but you stay on your side. And preferably face the other way. x-b)

Like Delilah on the radio, taking song requests or picking ones to suit callers' situations! The Love Experts. (Doctors?)

WitW was written by two dudes I've not heard of. Another one that’s like God Only Knows if you look at it the way I have. Does come off as a lot of pressure. Music tends to hyper-dramatize, make it larger than life, paint pictures of incredibly intense super-duper-true love that you hope is reciprocated by the person the song's aimed at. In which case it's lovely and balanced. The singer might have been a whole, fine, alive/born person before meeting the sung-at, but once they met it became "How am I supposed to live without you? If we're apart I need you to bring me to life (wake me up inside!)"

Spring isn’t even my favorite season, but somehow it’s the only one that works in that context.

Oh no. “Grossed-up mics” might be an even worse visual than puke.

Oh NO. How’d I miss Bacharach’s death? There’ve just been too many…;;

In Spite of Ourselves—think that’s new to me. It’s cute & funny! The lovable old bickering, bantering couple.

Fiddler! <3 Not even sure how long my parents have been married. At least 36 years. They had the occasional big fight but only one was explosive enough to make my very young brother ask whether I thought they might get divorced. I was like, “Naw, can’t see it. Hell’ll freeze over first and watch, this’ll be all but forgotten tomorrow.”

Homer’s a better father+husband than Peter Griffin, that’s for sure. xD

EP. 8:

Adultery *would* be a good topic.

Who'd ever wanna get rid of cheese?! xD ;p

Yer a ways from menopause, but guess ya might as well look forward to it. ^^

Avril's surname="laveen."

Love the Rod Stewart and Alphaville Forever Youngs! Not as familiar w/ the Dylan one, but 'tis nice too.

T-Swift's Never Grow Up, that's a quintessential wish for one's child to remain small and innocent forever.

Oh my GOD. To go back to high school? More go back to early childhood up through college, then keep looping? That's my wish all the time. I do miss college as well, though not as much. But mid-20s starts the worst of all by far.

11 is my true age too! Doubt I'll ever feel "grown up." The Waits song--YES! It's like, nope, no thanks. I too wanna be a dog in my room in my hometown. :3 (Well, I am wanting to build meself me own home asap though. Can only imagine the pain of missing this town, but then I already feel it in missing the way it used to be. At the same time just itching to escape the ever-worsening Jersey burbz to the lovely land of our "vacation home," in the beautiful Pennsylvania countryside surrounded by picturesque farms...) My parents do still do a lot, yeah. But I'm naturally neat and clean--my technique is to simply refrain from creating messes to have to clean up, from letting 'em form in the first place. =D

I feel as if I've been pretty much the same person since forever, in many ways wise beyond my years.

Ah yeah, You Get What You Give is a good'un. I'd forgotten about it. No wonder optimism was so much easier then. Think the karmic message is generally true; what goes around comes around... (Hanson! *MMMBops*)

Don't think I'd heard of Elbow before, but that song's really touching & bittersweet.

You Make Me Feel So Young=that Geico Peter Pan ad!

Carice has a babyface fo’ sho’ & has always looked so much younger than she is.

(Um girl, anytime you decide you'd like somebody to clean and handle confusing shit for you [free of charge], feel free to shoot a message my way. ;^; )

...but yes, financial/# bullshit is boring and should be minimized/simplified.

Elders should certainly be respected (assuming they individually deserve it.) Age, wisdom, experience. 'Cause yeah, being young is no achievement; everybody starts that way. Making it to adulthood and old age, that's the accomplishment. (You'd just rather not look it? *lul*)

Mind-boggling to think that the most beautiful person ever could feel unbeautiful. ;;

Love @17 but yes, it is dramatic and self-pitying. xD

And even some of my favorite books/movies/series are guilty of painting similarly inaccurate (in our completely different 'sperience) pictures--that it's all about dating and crushing and whatnot. No way. Totally unfounded expectation if you had it. That all played a minimal role in my school and my groups. We in particular had way too much else going on. (Ofc I personally never developed the interest I casually assumed I might, anyhow.) But my friend groups, we were weirdos uninterested in being "popular"--not because it meant you'd wind up unhappy, just because we were very happy to be us. Awesome. 8] I was sought out for track and field events in gym class though. (And I mean, I did love the board game DreamPhone where you had to take calls with clues and guess which of the guys liked you...x-3)

Indeed, Janis gosling's perception must've sadly been due to her "Jewish-looking-ness," if the song is in fact autobiographical. (And what's with musical Janises spelling the name thusly?)


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