EP. 9:

"Jealous you can sing and write that well" Now Caricey, why envy what you too possess? And a note: You recorded Parchman Farm on Mercury Rev's album "Bobbie Gentry's 'The Delta Sweete' Revisited." ;)

Heheh, rage is my dominant emotion. Anger and Disgust would be the main characters of Inside Out if it were about me.

God's Work felt a little bit Jewel-esque to me (she being my favorite singer-songwriter.) "We are God's eyes, God's hands, reflections of God..."

EP. 10: 

"...and thus, you came out of his dick."

(Orange nails! <3)

Yeah, you'll never forget where you were on 9/11. I was a high school freshman, in the library working on an English class project when we got wind that something really big and really bad had happened. So we went back to the classroom and turned on the TV. As the horror unfolded, some parents (including mine) began to pull their kids out of school. We're basically across the Hudson River from NYC, so mine were ready to flee the area if need be. Everybody remained shocked speechless watching the news in the kitchen, helpless as the towers collapsed. Can't much blame Carice for assuming the world was ending that day. (Thank Bob it didn’t end then, or in Y2k, or we’d never have gotten to hear her beautiful “End of the World” song!) Although the bonus track, which I have on iTunes, is actually Heart of Oak.

(3:01: But she's the one person I would never encourage to eat less of anything--precisely the contrary. Don't really like the sound of that. I was a vegetarian for ~15 years and did recommend that to others, not that anyone took me up on it. But in this one particular case...yeah, I'd never encourage eating less of anything!)

All her movies are grade-A just by virtue of being lucky enough to have her in the cast. ;] (I’ve seen as many as Americanly possible, I know!)

Oh yeah, ya gotta see Tootsie. :3 I like She Blinded Me With Science but’ll have to check out that other song by that dude. Can certainly see why the Doe Maar guys were so popular.

“Just do it”—Nike. Haha…I remember how in probably 4th or 5th grade, some kids started spreading a rumor that “it” meant “sex.” I didn’t exactly know what that was but it sounded funny. When I mentioned it at home my parents weren’t all that amused. xD At that point I was under the impression that children were something that spontaneously happened to certain people at certain times when nature saw that they were “ready.” Then one day in the back of the car in the middle school parking lot, I learned from my mum that “it basically works the same way for people as for dogs” (which I already knew all about from my myriad dog books)—and that was a tad horrifying. xD Incidentally I never developed an actual desire to “do it.”

Bwaha, “You’re Having My Baby” by Paul Anka. If you go with the pregnancy/birth/babies topic next time you can get ‘round to a discussion. And of course “We’re Having a Baby (My Baby and Me),” as iconically sung by Ricky to Lucy...  



    That's a bit to unpack...xD First, the "nerdy rebel" is so...YES, so god-tier, so relatable. I'm my own version of it. She clearly has those sides. A cutiepie punk. Next...okay, so Halina asked about her first French kiss, and she seems to say that at 15 it was "quite late?" Which sounds batshit bonkers to me, but then again I at 35 have no intention of doing that at all, so--must be relatively speaking. The little story's adorable. Trying to look tough, falling in love with the DJ, getting smooched and assuming--VERY fairly!--that he's now her boyfriend and she's gotta buy him gifts. :'-3 But no, he just does that to random girls. x_x It's weird, though. She's a total babyface, looked like a young teen/tween in her twenties--and this was a 23-year-old guy Frenching someone he'd just met who must've looked at 15 like a younger child than she was? I 'unno, kinda sketch. An 8-year age difference means nothing once both people are 20+, but when one's a teen...well, anyhow. Nice of him to introduce himself afterward. 8-/ I'm sure he was attractive; she seems to have good taste.
    I've found many a man very attractive, but that's as far as it goes. I wanna look, I wanna interact and get to know him a bit if possible, *maybe* I'd like to touch, but kiss? Make whoopie? I don't honestly think I've ever felt that urge or even fantasized it. My first/only kiss was somewhere in my 20s and confirmed my suspicion: meh, this doesn't seem to be for me after all. The lip-smoochin' humans thing, probably the whole dating thing. (I mean, I enjoyed the dates with that guy, but in the same way I'd enjoy hanging out with a friend.) Did nothing for me. Wasn't open-mouthed but I still drove off a little, opened the door, and spat. x-p Because...c'mon, wtf, people actually do this? Why? e_@ It LOOKS fine, but irl? All still feels so gross, unsanitary, undignified, unsafe, pointless, and foreign to me. For real, the mouth's among the most disgusting parts of the body, which is disgusting to begin with. (As always I'm talking about 99% of people and Carice is an angelic exception.) Sucks you have to be trapped in one. I constantly want to claw my way free of this (admittedly relatively nice) prison--what would I want with anyone else's, particularly the nastiest bits? My crushes have always been men decades older than me, including teachers/professors--or else guys who were fictional, dead, taken, actors living nowhere nearby...various forms of unavailable. Likely due to my lack of actual interest in dating/romance/sex. ^3^

    Ah, our backyard tent! ^^ One of the pics of me & Fred in it is on his yearbook page. And then the campout in Julie's yard. But ohhhh, the vacations, many since early childhood, so many trillion many wonderful and memorable campsites...OUR precious Harmony Ridge one...ugh. Infinite pricelessness. The feeling of being on vacation is what made me realize that the other big raison d'etre, besides all the dogs/fish/animal stuff, is to travel and DATIF--Do All That Is Fun. But like the other, it essentially requires the right partners...8-\ And long periods of leisurely wandering, not a trip here and a trip there (you'd need 500 lifetimes at the rate that people actually do anything, IF they actually ever do and it's not just talk.) So anyway. I'd be delighted by a campsite goat, of course, I was never seeking romance or anything along those lines. xD Just adventure. Do wanna give land skiing a shot. I can imagine it being awkward 'til you get the hang of 'em, if you do...I know that if you pizza when you should French fry, you're gonna have a bad time. Wonder whether cross-country is easier than downhill, though. I mean, maybe on a not-super-steep slope? 'Cause gravity will just let you slide nicely? Heh. Guessing.
    And then the next one...yarr, 'tis obvious Carice likes loose-fitting stuff (comfy cozy baby girl *hnnnngg*)--but the thing is, *everything*'s loose-fitting on her...! ;;

  3. Memorial Day war-song livestream (sans Carice):
    Very interesting history lesson and some good songs mentioned.
    Tennessee Ernie Ford=Cousin Ernie on I Love Lucy! *U* X~D Some of the civil war songs are surprisingly fun (Goober Peas!)
    Yeah Johnny Horton! Esp. like Sink the Bismark and Battle of New Orleans. He's one of the first six artists my mom's followed on Spotify (alongside Elvis, the Bay City Rollers, Toby Keith, Tony Orlando & Dawn, and Bryan Adams. ^^) I'm trying to stay at 409 (giddyup) follows, and 42 (meaning of life) public playlists. x-3
    Mr. Y'know what, fuck it. #1 #1 song of all time. Idec.
    "Give more and more of your blood" sounds so hardcore.
    Sixteen Tons, Big Bad John--I was most familiar with the Charlie Daniels versions thanks to my dad's CDs. But omg, breakfast sausage baron Jimmy Dean! Way cool.
    Running Bear is lovely.
    I shall hear no Billy Joel slander.


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