EP. 3:

Well I dig Costello’s chill, soda-swilling God with a sense of humor. Should’ve let it be the planet of the apes for sure, though. x-p And I’d like to know how he got a waterbed up there, ‘cause I was told it’d be too heavy even for my second-floor room. :/ Thought the “can’t get your head out of doors” was a joke about your head being literally too wide to fit.

The way Carice feels about Blue made me think “Killing Me Softly With His Song…”

My experiences/perceptions re: men v. women have been, very different. xD But I wouldn't call Carice a coward--maybe just a little bit too sweet of a sweetheart who needs to learn how to stand up for herself. ^^ (Actually already saw the beginning of a later episode with the “plane pinky-promise” story, and funny as it is for that to happen to an adult, the crew could’ve also sensed the “I’ll suffer rather than be a bother” vibe that even a friend could take unconscious advantage of & gone over the top trying to ensure she wouldn’t be too afraid/embarrassed to ask for help/comfort if really needed.)

She’s obviously an extraordinarily sensitive soul. I couldn't call metal my favorite genre either (top four were always rock/pop/indie/country according to Spotify), but I do enjoy listening to it sometimes (especially death metal), as it can capture my mood quite well.

I thought of “OMG You Guys” too. Fun one! Legally Blonde is a very recommendable movie, foreign as it might seem. So many choices for this topic; just searching “god” in my biggest playlists I find 8 other title matches. x-)

 …argh, even the polite little way Carice eats is so incredibly adorable, and I will never say that about another human being…x’)

EP. 4:

Because of You is great, yeah. Clarkson's got at least a dozen really good ones. Mostly the kinds of songs I'd sing along with on 106.7 lite-fm during the college commute. ^^ I was a high school junior/senior in '04. Hadn't known that BoY was directed at her parents though, or even that she'd written it. I hear it as angry too.

Love Luka as well! Which came out the year I was born. Not my only favorite "child abuse" song (yikes, why do I even have those? Eheheh)--but sadly in the other (Concrete Angel by Martina McBride), the child doesn't survive that long. :'-x

Aw, poor Carice crying...! Then getting a little loopy at the end. Really hope that book chapter can help her tummy troubles. 🥺🫂 A Vodcast would be most excellent, but not if it'd ruin the following day.

Man, now I want Spaghettios...but the Zoodles ad is cute enough to warrant addition to my commercial-jingles playlist.

Whoakay, should probably end there as the rest of my thoughts'd g'wan forever. But I wonder which of the P!nk songs I'm thinking of (from M!ssundaztood), if any, Daniel had.

EP. 5:

Ah, Carice. So wholesome, so innocent, so pure. x-} (On audio I thought, "She didn't even need to admit to gullibility, I thought she got the guilt joke." But here the look of genuine concern said otherwise. xD) See that's why you got so babied on the plane though--you not only don't look your age but just radiate this aura that inspires love in others. It's a gift. ^~

Talking Heads song is relatable, as are you both in various ways (not sure about the "indecisions" aspect though, as there are frequently excellent reasons to be unable to make one.)

My hair got me called Little Orphan Annie AND Pippi Longstocking (and every other redheaded character, especially with curls) all the time. Love Annie. "Tomorrow" is really powerful & beautiful...& always reminds me of "There's Always Tomorrow" from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (sung by Rudy's girlfriend CLarice.)

Angel of Death is incredibly disturbing knowing that it's based in nonfiction. Calls to mind horrifying medical-experiment movie scenes and stuff. I also like Cannibal Corpse, who basically perform from the pov of killers in what would be the ultimate gorefest slashers and such. Sweeney Todd is one of my favorite musicals/Sondheims as well, after Into the Woods. And his "we all deserve to die" philosophy particularly resonated as I'd had kinda similar thoughts before. ("Y'know, the human race really doesn't deserve to exist--not simply because they suck, but because earthly existence also fundamentally sucks and they shouldn't be forced to suffer it, nawmsayn?")

Hunh, didn't know Jiggy was Will Smith, or even that he sang/rapped. (Well, except for the Fresh Prince theme, I guess.) Looks like he co-wrote it with 4 guys. Haha, Pig Latin...I too needed translation for most of the rest though. xD Overall don't think you need feel too guilty. Estefan has better for sure, but Cuts Both Ways is all right. Sort of a double-edged sword/knife/blade, guilty pleasure of a relationship where you want to be neither with nor without them...& as to Givin' the Dog a Bone, I pretty much found it gross and raunchy but amusing. (Like the euphemism sounds way better, & I figure people probably pretend to be other species or pets pretty often, & dogs are superior beings in the first place...) Of course I'm tough to offend and will laugh at most types of jokes, even if the humor's black or stereotype-based. Most of those offensive lyrics I see more as particular people/situations than general good-role-model material.

What's Up Doc (hahaha, wrong rabbit!) is brilliant. Terrific cast supported by Kenneth Mars & Austin Pendleton (lil crush of mine, actually the reason I saw it. x-3) Now I've gotta see The Way We Were (nice song); not sure I have...

Anyway, looking forward to the next episode of Barftalk: TMI. Or not. Time for my most guiltless pleasure: Ice Ice Brimley, an interwebs masterpiece if ever there was one. (And to up my pledge in hopes of info on the single-copy album on which Carice was randomly asked to speak about something or other [should've been sing but okay.] Cute little "Oh btw I'm on their album, teehee" anime-girl-like grins dropping that bomb on him…xD)

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